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*time skip 2 days ahead*
Angels pov
It's been 2 days and pretty much every day has been the same. I wake up, the nurses check on me and it goes on and on. Tom comes into my room when the doctor comes in for checks. Today is the day they are discharging me.

Toms pov
I walk through the halls pushing past people to get the angels room. I walk past many patients and doctors. I open her door with so much force when I walk in she jumps up. Her eyes shoot straight to my eyes and she stares at me. She hasn't talked to me at all in the past two days even tho I've threatened her many time. I walk over to her and she breaks eye contact and looks away. She's waiting patiently to be discharged. I walk closer and stand beside her. I look at her and just continue staring at her. She looks so beautiful. All the bruises have healed on her face and all that was visible was the scars on her wrist. I sit down beside her and she lets out a sigh. I just sit and stare at her for an hour until a doctor comes in. "Are you ready to go home now Angel?." She says with a wide smile spread across her face.

Angel looks at her and gets up. "Yeah let's go." The woman helps guide angel through the hallway and I get up and follow. The doctor goes to the counter and makes angel fill out some more paperwork. Then she gives angel back her bag of the clothes she was wearing that night. I can see how seeing the bloody clothes send shivers down her spine. I grab angels shoulder and look at the nurse and with a deep tone I say "thank you" and walk out with angel. We go through the hallways and we make it to the entrance.

Angels pov
For the past two days I've been planning to escape Tom by running away as soon as they let me out. We walk towards the entrance and as soon as the door open I go running . I run as fast as i can Away from the hospital. I run past people pushing them out of my way not looking back. I keep running until my legs can't. Until I reach a small alley and I am smacked away by a harsh hand making me land straight into the hard cement floor. As I crashed into the floor I let out a loud scream. My hand fled straight to my shoulder. I close my eyes and scream in the sudden crash into the floor.

I open my eyes to see Tom standing over me breathing heavily. He kneels down and I knew him in the balls and get myself up as fast as I can while he's still on the ground. I start Running but he gets up too fast and grabs me by my wrist. I wince in pain. He grabs my arm and I start crying as he's dragging me out. I try to grab onto some railings but he yanks me and sends me almost flying. He then stops and yanks me up from the ground and throws me over his shoulder. I start ripping at his shirt and scratching his back screaming. He chuckles and I can imagine his disgusting smile. "Save that for the bedroom love." I start kicking him more and more. "PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING FREAK." I ran so fast and far there's no body here. We make our way up the parking lot as I am screaming kicking him but he doesn't seem to care and nobody else around us does either.

As we get to the car he open the car and then I hear a voice and he turns around and put me down still grabbing onto my arm. "Sorry is there something wrong here." A man questions. I start screaming trying to get out of his strong grasp but there's no use. "PLEASE HELP ME HES KIDNAPPED ME AND WONT LET ME GO." Tom reaches into his pocket and grabs out a gun. I look at him with absolute fear and terror in my face. "TOM DONT." I scream. He was going to shoot this man. The man grabs his phone and starts dialling 911. But it's too late and Tom pulls the trigger shooting it right into the man's face. Tom lets go out me and I run over to the man and stand over his body.

His brains splattered all over the floor and his face unrecognisable. I start breaking down into pieces crying and screaming. Tom grabs my hand and lifts me up as I scream and throws me into the car. He slams the door shut and goes around to the drivers seat. He starts the car and the car roars as we speed through the streets of Berlin. We speed fast and loud down the streets. He blares his loud music and drives faster. I just witnessed a murder. He murdered an innocent man. I don't think I could ever get over the fact I had something to do with that man's murder. I couldn't cope with this. I tried opening the door but It was locked. He looked at me for a second confused and yanked my arm back. After 20 minutes of screaming, yelling we made it home. I couldn't scream anymore I just sat there in shock of what I witnessed again. This poor man who once had a life doesn't now.

He pulled in through the gates and parked in the garage. The car stopped and he got out and slammed the door so hard it almost shattered the window. He opened my car door and dragged me out. I refused to go I didn't want to go through this again. I didn't wanna do this anymore. I didn't want life. He dragged me to the door opened it and threw me on the floor. I got myself up and ran up the stairs with him running up behind me chasing me. I ran down the hallway running straight to the room. I burst the door open and slam it behind me. I run for the bathroom and he's right behind me and I make it to the bathroom but he opens the door with so much force it makes me fall down to the floor.

"LEAVE ME ALONE TOM." He looks at me. "You are never doing that again." I stare back at him and move backwards while getting myself up. "I don't care what you have to say get out." He comes closer and pins me to the wall so suddenly I have no time to understand what's happening. He stares into my eyes deeply and plants a kiss on my neck. He grabs my waist and gives me butterfly's as he's sliding his hand up more and more. He kisses up my neck and kisses my lip aggressively and hard.

I flinch and don't kiss back but he doesn't seem to mind. He removes himself from me and backs up and lifts his body of me. "You know what will happen if you ever pull that shit again." He says as his eyebrows are raised grinning. I look back at him and stare into his beautiful hazel brown eyes. His eyes full of lust. I don't say a word as he grabs my wrist and brings me out of the room.

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