Fucks sake

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My eyes flicker open as I am waking up. My long eyelashes in the view. I rub my eyes and start to wake up. I look around and I am still in the hospital. I get up to stretch and I look around. Tom still hasn't come back for me. Maybe this means if I get out of here I can live a normal life again? I doubt it would be normal or good but in a way it would be so much better. I get up and I press the button. Two minutes pass by and a nurse comes walking in. "Everything alright?" She asks with a smile. "Yeah I am just really hungry." "Don't worry I'll get something sorted for you! What kind of pudding do you like?" "Vanilla" "alright there should be food brought to you soon. Please rest as much as you can a doctor will be in soon." I lay back into bed waiting for a doctor. I see a tall figure muscular figure in the doorway and I jump in terror. It's Tom.

He starts walking towards me and I get out of the bed and back away to the corner of the room. "Leave me alone Tom go away im warning you." He comes closer. "The nurses won't do shit." "Sit down on the bed we need to talk. " I walk back to the bed slowly and carefully. I sit down. "What is it?." I ask unbothered. I am tired and frankly i couldn't care less about what he has to say. He stands over me and then moves beside me and sits down. He stares me in the eye. "What the fuck was that shit you pulled yesterday?" He ask angrily. "You've put me through hell. You've drugged, kidnapped me and almost r-" a doctor walks in. "Hi sorry for interrupting do you need a minute?" He asks. "No we are fine you can do the checks now." Tom responds in a rude tone to the doctors. The doctor comes over to me and Tom gets up and stands there waiting.

The doctor does the checks. Blood pressure and many more. After he's done with the checks he looks at me and says "Everything seems to be okay you should be discharged soon. We have food coming for you. When we checked you in you were unconscious. Is there any allergies for food you can't eat?" "No I can eat everything" "perfect" "food should be here soon. He leaves the room and tom comes close to me. "You can't be doing this shit ang. Or you will get punished worse than this." I look at him dead in the eye signaling for him to come over. He kneels down and I whisper in his ears. "I don't care what you do anymore."

He backs up away and looks at me with a smirk on his face. "Don't test me". I Look Away from him and lie back down into the hospital bed. It's been about 20-30 minutes and a lovely nurse comes in with a food tray. "Here's your food miss. " "thank you." The nurse leaves and I inspect the food. There was rice with chicken and some sort of sauce. There was vanilla pudding and they gave me a water. I started eating fast and Tom left the room. I didn't pay attention or care at all that he left. I finished my food and put the tray away. I laid back into bed and fell back to sleep.

Toms pov
I leave the room as she's eating her food. I need time to think. This girl is seriously getting on my nerves and making me go insane. I should have let her die yesterday and I wouldn't have to deal with her. I walk out and go over to the boys in the waiting area. "Everything go well?" Bill asks. "It went fine she's eating." Bill nods "that's good news." I huff and sigh "I don't really care I should have let her die yesterday." Bill looks at me absolutely shocked at what I just said.

"Want to go for a smoke while we wait?" Georg asks.  I nod and the boys and me go outside. Bill hands me a cigarette and we each take turns lighting it. I take a long drag and let out a sigh. "Fucks sake" I say under my breath. Bill looks at me funny and continues smoking. After we smoked a couple cigarettes we went back inside and I went to go check on angel. I walk past all the other patients in their rooms and reach her door. I walk in and she's sleeping. I sigh and walk back out in to the waiting area. The only thing we do now is wait.

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