Gills bar

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As we were walking to the bar he puts his hands around my shoulder and I lean onto him. "You already getting tired?" He says with a laugh. "No, I'm not tired I do however wanna go get that drink now." We continue walking and we walk through the door. Immediately someone greets him. "Hello Mr.Kaulitz what can I get for you and this lovely lady."

He turns to me with a smile spread across his face. I could see his lip ring shinning as he played with it. I blushed and nervously said "just some wine please.". "And for your Mr.Kaulitz?" "Just some Whisky" the waiter nodded and went off to go get our drinks. The bar was actually quite nice. It looked much better on the inside. There weren't that many people maybe around 5-6 people altogether which is not alot. He grabbed my hand and led me to a table in the back. "So darling, why did you come to Germany for?." "I came to Germany to work and away from my family. I didn't have the best childhood.." "Oh I'm sorry to hear that." "That sounds like you went through a rough time as a child." I tilt my head down a bit. "Don't get sad now." "Come on let's have our drinks now I will go get them stay here."

I think for a bit and he's right I shouldn't get sad. What's past is past. It's over and I've got a great new job and life. I see as he's coming back with drinks in his hands and a big smile. He puts the wine down in front of me. "Drink princess." "Thank you Tom." I smile at him. "I am gonna go to the bathroom I will be right back." I said as I got up.

"Don't be too long now." I went to the bathroom and went to the bathroom with a sign that said "ladies." The bathroom was actually super clean. I went into one of the stalls and locked the door and peed. After I was done I went to go wash my hands and looked in the mirror. I brought my bag with me and I have a touch up kit. I put on some travel size deodorant and some lipstick and touched up my eyeshadow. I also put on some perfume. I made my way out of the bathroom and sat down beside him.

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