Drunk and drugs

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He leads me out of the bathroom into the bedroom and out the door. We go through the hallway and down the stairs. No words said. There's butterfly's in my stomach as his hand is holding tight onto mine. We make it to the bottom of the stairs and we go into the kitchen. Bill and another woman is sitting there. I eye contact with the small woman with long blonde hair down to her ass with brown eyes and the most beautiful lips and smile ever. She looked a lot different than me. She had a a black top on showing a lot of cleavage and a short mini skirt. I had some sweat pants on and a white top Tom brought in for me at the hospital. Tom let go of my hand and signalled for me to go over and sit with them. I walk over to bill and the woman and bill looks at me with a smile. "Hi angel!" He says happily. Tom looks at bill with anger. I wonder what's gotten into him. The woman looks at me and smiles "hi angel- I am guessing" she says with a childlike giggle. I Look back at her and smile "Hi yeah that's my name." She takes her hand and out and holds it out for me to shake her hand. I shake her hand. Her grasp on my hand was light and her hands were very soft and skinny. I look at Tom and ask him with an annoyed face. "Do you have anything to drink?" He looks at me and opens the fridge and grabs a water slams the door and tosses the water at me.

I look at him confused and put the water on the counter. "I meant alcohol." I say to him with anger now. He looks at me confused. I look back at him shaking my head. "Well do you or do you fucking don't?" He starts walking towards me and grabs my hand. I get up quickly and follow him. He opens the windows and reveals a glass sliding door. He opens the sliding door and lead me outside still holding my hand. His hands in mine make me have butterflies in my stomach. His hands are so warm but yet so cold and comforting yet so hurtful. We make it to a garden and I see lights and I see a bar. A bar in his back garden. He lets go of my hand and walks to the bar I follow behind him and we make it to the bar. This small bar is made up out of stools and many drinks and lights.

Black marble bar table and black chairs with fluff at the buttom of it. He goes behind the bar and grabs a bottle of vodka. I snatch it from the table and twist the cap open and take a swing. The straight up vodka pours down my throat as the tingling burning sensation goes from my throat to my stomach. I continue chugging it until I can't anymore and set the bottle down. He looks at me impressed but disgusted at the same time. He takes the bottle and takes a swing finishing it off. I hear footsteps and turn around to see bill and the woman walking towards us. The woman sits beside me and bill sits beside her. I walk over to the massive speaker and there's a control panel beside it and I go to YouTube and type in a music and set it to maximum volume and start dancing like crazy.

Everyone's looking at me but I couldn't care less. I walk over to the bar still dancing around to the loud music blaring and grab a bottle of whiskey and twist the cap off and swing that bitch back. The alcohol hits my system fast and soon everyone starts drinking too. I start to loose memory of anything that happened that night.

Toms pov
I Look at her as she's dancing around taking big swings of alcohol. Bill comes behind the bar and Laura follows behind him. She's bill new girl. Bill takes a bottle of whisky and start chugging it like there's no tomorrow. Angels still dancing around drinking. She makes her way over to Laura and bumps into her and asks her loudly almost screaming "WHATS YOUR NAME?" Laura laughs and says with a wide smile "Laura". "WELL LAURA COME GET FUCKING DRUNK WITH ME" it's so obvious she's super wasted out of her mind. Laura starts drinking and dancing with her. I just drink my vodka and stare at the sight of her. Her blonde hair waving around and bouncing off her shoulder as she danced. Her sharp jawline you could see as she took shots. Her eyes twinkling in the lights from being so wasted. She went over to bill and whispered in his ear while giggling. Bill looked confused reached in his pocket and pulled out a lighter and a box of cigarettes and she snatched it out of his hands and walked off going back to dancing with Laura.

Soon Georg and Gustav came out and start bobbing their heads to the music and drinking. "Holy shit this girl can party." Georg says with a chuckle. I continue drinking and talking with Georg. "Yeah man but so can we." Says Gustav. He pulls out a small plastic bag. I look at him and wink. "Of course we can. He takes out a grinder and rolls up a joint. Angel noticed and comes running over almost falling over. She grabs onto the bar table almost slipping and grabs one of the table. "That's not just a normal cigarette angel be careful." She screams back at me. "Oh I know."

She lights up the joint take a long drag inhales and blows out the smoke into my face. I do the same. I smoke with her and the boys ands Laura comes over. "Can I take one?" She asks bill. "Sure baby" her and bill take a joint each and both smoke with us. Smoking together is such a peaceful thing. I see as Angel Take out her Hand moving it around. I am guessing this is her first time being high. She looks at me and my grabbed my hand and stared deep in my eyes. We were both sitting at the bar and she got up and whispered in my ear. "Come with me" as she held into my hands making me get up and follow her.

She led me to the side of the garden where no one was and she grabbed onto my chin and pulled me into a kiss she kissed me so soft and aggressive at the same time. Our lips connected like a puzzle piece. I could taste the vodka on her lips as she continued kissing me. She suddenly pulled away from the kiss and passed out onto the floor. I pick her unconscious body up off the floor and carry her over my shoulder gently. I walk over to the big sliding doors and open them and walk inside.

I walk through the kitchen and to the stairs. I walk up the stairs and she starts regaining consciousness and starts mumbling. We make it up the stairs and I walk through the hallway into he bedroom. I open the door and walk to the bed and set her down on the bed. She regains consciousness and starts talking slightly. "Come on Tom. "She mumbles. I am confused by her words and what she meant. I look at her and sigh and leave the room.

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