Loving Heart

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There is a super storm that is about to hit Thailand. It's a category 4 typhoon and everybody was advised to be ready. Most of the establishments already posted that they will be closing early and employees were allowed to go home and prepare.
The employees of P&P twin towers were also allowed to go home early. Most of the staff have already gone home.
Nunew is just finishing some stuff up but didnt realize that it was already time to go until Camila his assistant informed him that she will be leaving now.

"Do you want me to call your driver? Or any of your brothers?" Camila asked.

"No, its fine. I will be going soon as well. Please be careful on your way, you need anything dont hesitate to let me know" Nunew told her. Camila smiled at him and left his office. She decided that she would not take any chances and rang Nat as She knows Pornthip is already home as she saw her earlier.

"Nat, are you and Max still at the tower?" Camila asked

"No, we are in Paris remember?" Nat said

"Oh i completely forgot. Sorry." She said.

"What's wrong?" Nat asked her

"There is a super typhoon coming. Im leaving now and Nunew will be left s he insists that i go first. He's still trying to finish up some work. " Camila explained

"Ring P'James. He should still be there. Or P'Zee on the other side. No matter what happens, Jelly shouldnt be left alone. He doesnt like lightning and thunder" Nat told her.

"Copy that, i will ring Sir james now" Camila said as she dropped the call.

She then rang James and explained the situation to him.

"Thanks for letting me know. You can go now, I will be down to his office in a minute." James told her. Camila, feeling reassured that Nunew would be okay, left to go home.

Nunew was trying to rush some work so there would be too much backlog after they come back. The sky is already dark and scary. He is starting to get anxious so he tried to be as quick as he can.
It might have been 20min since his secretary left and he now decided to pack up and go. As he was about to call his driver, the lights went off.

"Shit" Nunew said as panic starts to creep in. Suddenly, he can see the flash of lightning and heard a loud thunder rumbled through the sky. Nunew went and hid under his desk. He searched his bag but he couldnt find his headphones. So he covered his ears to try and block the sound out. Another loud thunder can be heard and this time Nunew felt like it's getting closer and closer to him. His panic and anxiety is already at its peak. He starts crying and counting loudly as he is rocking back and forth in an attempt to drown out everything.
James came in running to his office with a flashlight in hand. He had to use the stairs as the lift wasnt working.
"Nu?! Nunew?! Where are you buddy?!" James called out in panic, he knows Nunew would be scared by now.
James can hear the counting. So he went to his desk and saw Nunew hiding under.

"Nunew, hey bud. Im here" James tried to approach him slowly. He put his hand on his shoulder but Nunew just suddenly stiffened up

"Nunew, it's me. P'James. We've got to go home now. Mama is waiting for us. Can you come out of there?" James softly said to him. Another round of thunder and lightning came through, he then saw Nunew in full tears. He tried to hug him but as soon as he comes closer, nunew stiffens up like a rock like a defense mechanism to protect himself.

"Shit, I got to ring Phi" James said as he takes his phone out and dialed Zee's number. It rang for a while then he answered.

"Phi please tell me you're still here at the building" James said

"I've just gone out if the parking lot. Why?!" Zee asked him cautiously

"Nunew and I are still here in his office. He's having a breakdown and I couldnt get through him! We wont move!" James said panicking

"Foie turn back now!" Zee told Foie
"What the hell are you two still doing in there?!" Zee angrily asked James

"I was finishing work. Camila rang me and said Nunew told her to go home first. As i was about to go down, the power was cut off and i had to take the stairs to go to his office. By the time i arrived, he is already under the desk having a breakdown" James explained

"I'll be there soon. No matter what you do, dont leave him alone. Talk to him, he needs to hear you" Zee instructs him as he jumps out of the car and back into the building.

The generators have now finally kicked in and the elevators are safely running. He quickly got into one and went straight to Nunew's floor. When he entered Nunew's office he can see James sitting inches away from Nunew

"Its okay. Im here" He softly told James. He gave Zee a worried look as he steps aside. He doesnt like feeling helpless, he doesnt like seeing his youngest brother like this again.

Zee sat down but didnt touch Nunew.
"Nu, Hia is here" he softly said. As soon as Nunew heard Zee's voice, he stopped rocking. He still wouldnt move though and wouldnt face Zee too.

"Nunew, eveything is okay. Everyone is okay. Im okay. You are not alone. Hia and P'James is here. Can you look at us?" Zee is still keeping his distance from Nunew. He wants Nunew to come on his own.

"Nu, i told you i would hold your hand until you let go didnt I? Can you hold my hand?" Zee open his palm and offered it to Nunew.

Nunew just looked at it. He still looks afraid.

"I promised you that i wouldnt leave you. Im here my love. " At that moment, Nunew lifted his head and looked at Zee.

"Im here Nu, i will always be here. Now will you come to me?" Zee said as he tried to coax him. Tears are running down Nunew's face, he looked at Zee's hand and finally reached for it. As soon as his hand touches his, Zee pulled him for an embrace.

"Im here. No need to be afraid. Im here" Zee said as he rubs his back.

"I was so scared. I was so so scared. It felt like i was back there again" Nunew told him

"I will never let you go back to the same situation again. I promise." Zee said as he cradles his face.
Nunew looked at james who is also teary. He reached out to James. James touched his hand.

"Im sorry phi, i can hear you. But my body and brain wouldnt cooperate with each other. Im sorry for shutting you out" Nunew said to him as he reaches for a hug.
James hugged him tight.
"It's okay buddy. It's okay. The important thing is you're back now" James said as he rubs his back.

"We need to go now sirs" Foie told them

"Can you walk?" Zee asked as nunew just nodded.

They walked towards the elevator and rode down. Half way through, the power went off again. And the elevator suddenly stopped as they all stumbled down in the floor. Now they are stuck inside a dark elevator.

Zee became as stiff as a rock. He reached for Nunew's hand. Nunew immediately hugged him. He doesnt like tight spaces, Zee doesnt like the dark. What an experience for them.
Foie took his phone out and turned the lamp on. James did the same. Zee relaxed a bit. But he can feel nunew starting to hyperventilate. He's going to panic again. Foie then asked for help from the intercom. In 5min the generator will restart the elevator they were told.

Zee hugged him tighter and started singing Loving heart (ใจรัก ) to him. Nunew then started to relax. Zee continued to sing until Nunew started to hum the song. When the song ended, Nunew let go of Zee and put his head on his chest. He is visibly relaxed now. The elevator then worked again and they managed to reach the bottom floor without any more power cut offs.

Zee carried Nunew to the car and sat with him. James sat infront as Foie drives the car.
Nunew is clinging to Zee like a Koala.

"It's okay, im not going anywhere love" Zee tells him.

Nunew let him go but still kept holding his hands. He then looked outside with his eyebrows furrowed

"Why is my heart beating so fast now? " Nunew thinks to himself.
"Why is he calling me like that all of a sudden"
"Why is do i react like this suddenly to him?!.

Nunew said in his mind feeling confused.

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