Inner turmoils

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Aaradhya's POV

I got a call from Rana Sa, saying he wanted to change some designs. I was on my way to the hotel, As I drove to the hotel, my thoughts were still consumed by the recent events and the unexpected connection I had felt with Rana Sa. 

I couldn't deny the attraction that had ignited between us, and the way he had held my hand, helping me with the necklace, and the moment we had shared in front of the mirror continued to replay in my mind. The inner turmoil I felt was unsettling, and I knew I needed to maintain my focus on the upcoming meeting. Rana Sa had called me for a reason, and I couldn't afford to be distracted. 

 Upon arriving at the hotel, I made my way to the designated meeting room. Rana Sa was already there, engrossed in a discussion with the designers. His presence demanded attention, and I couldn't help but notice how he effortlessly commanded the room. 

 I joined the conversation, discussing the changes to the designs and offering my insights. Rana Sa and I worked together seamlessly, our professional dynamic overshadowing the undercurrent of tension that lingered from our earlier encounter. 

 The meeting concluded, and I was ready to leave, eager to put some distance between us. 

As I sat on the couch in Rana Sa's cabin, I couldn't help but feel the familiarity of the setting, similar to the one in Mumbai. The large glass wall with vintage borders added a touch of royalty to the space, and the central chair appeared more like a throne than an office seat. The color scheme of beige, golden, and brown on the walls, along with the striking painting of a black lion with blue eyes, created an atmosphere of opulence.

My focus was on the designs as I meticulously reviewed and made the necessary changes based on their instructions. Rana Sa was sitting at his desk, engrossed in some paperwork, his features giving away nothing of the earlier encounter between us.

It was clear that our professional roles had taken precedence once again. The undercurrent of tension was still present but not as pronounced as it had been in his private gym. As I continued working on the designs, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment that our interactions remained strictly professional for the time being.

After I had made the requested changes, I handed the designs back to Rana Sa, who examined them carefully. His eyes met mine briefly, and I could see a hint of approval in his gaze. It was a subtle acknowledgment, but it did not escape my notice.

As I moved to leave Rana Sa's cabin, my stomach betrayed me with a loud growl. I could feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I quickly muttered, "Okay, I think I've made the changes you wanted. I should get going."

But before I could make a hasty exit, he surprised me by asking, "What do you want to eat?"

I was taken aback by the offer, as I hadn't expected it at all. "Huh?" I stammered, struggling to comprehend his question.

He repeated, "I will ask the chef to make it."

I hesitated, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion. "No, it's not needed," I replied, attempting to avoid further interaction.

As I stood up and moved towards the door, my heart pounded, and my nerves made me slightly unsteady on my feet. In a moment of awkwardness, I stumbled, nearly falling, but Rana Sa was quick to react.

My heart raced as I stumbled, but Rana Sa's swift reaction prevented me from falling. His lap provided a soft landing, and his strong arms supported me. The unexpected physical contact between us sent a rush of adrenaline through my veins, and I was acutely aware of his presence. My heart raced, and my thoughts scattered as I gazed into his eyes, trying to regain my composure.

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