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Aaradhya's POV

In the blink of an eye, a year was drawing to a close, and amidst the passing time, my feelings towards Sharvansh had grown into a tangled knot, impossible to unravel. 

Despite my efforts to push away these feelings, they only seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. Sharvansh occupied my thoughts, whether I was in class, working on the project, or trying to sleep at night. His presence lingered in my mind like a stubborn echo, refusing to fade away.

I tried to distract myself with studies and other activities, but nothing could shake off the persistent tug of attraction I felt towards him. It was as if he had woven himself into the fabric of my existence, becoming an inseparable part of my thoughts and emotions.

As the year drew to a close, I found myself grappling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I wanted to distance myself from Sharvansh, to rid myself of this inexplicable attraction. But on the other hand, I couldn't deny the pull I felt towards him, the magnetic force that seemed to draw me closer to him with each passing moment.

I was trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, unsure of how to navigate this newfound territory. All I could do was hope that with time, these feelings would fade away, allowing me to move on from this tumultuous chapter of my life.

As the last day of our senior came, we juniors were buzzing with excitement for the farewell day. The halls echoed with laughter and chatter as we prepared to bid farewell to the seniors who had guided us through our journey.

I chose to wear a simple yet elegant pink dress for the party, opting for a style that reflected both my youth and sophistication. The dress hugged my figure delicately, accentuating my curves in all the right places, while the soft fabric draped gracefully down to my ankles.

A side slit from the mid-thigh added a touch of allure to the ensemble, revealing a hint of skin with each step I took. It was a subtle detail that added a sense of intrigue to the otherwise modest design, drawing attention without being overly provocative.

I couldn't shake the strange feeling that had settled in the pit of my stomach. Part of me was relieved that Sharvansh would be leaving, finally putting an end to the tumultuous rollercoaster of emotions he had unknowingly dragged me on. Yet, there was also a lingering sense of disappointment, a twinge of sadness at the thought of never seeing him again.

As the festivities of the farewell party unfolded, I couldn't help but scan the crowd, searching for his familiar figure among the sea of faces. But he was nowhere to be found, his absence casting a shadow over the otherwise joyous occasion.

Despite my efforts to brush off the disappointment, a part of me couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't shown up. Was he avoiding the farewell deliberately, or was there some other reason for his absence?

As the night wore on, I found myself torn between conflicting emotions, unsure of how to reconcile the relief of his departure with the disappointment of his absence. In the end, all I could do was plaster a smile on my face and pretend that his absence didn't affect me, even though deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that lingered within me.

Despite the lively atmosphere of the event, my heart wasn't in it anymore. As the music throbbed through the room and bodies swayed to the rhythm, I found myself lost in a sea of faces, searching desperately for his familiar silhouette among the crowd. But he was nowhere to be found.

With each passing moment, my longing for him only grew stronger, overshadowing any enjoyment I had hoped to find in the festivities. Though my body moved in time with the beats and my lips curved into a practiced smile, my mind remained fixated on him, unable to shake the thoughts that consumed me.

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