Your sanctuary, Your solace

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Aaradhya's POV

The lights illuminated the space, revealing a beautifully decorated setup for our date. A small tent adorned one corner, while a table was elegantly arranged in the center. And there he was, my man, standing confidently in a cream suit with a pink shirt.

My heart skipped a beat as I took in his appearance. He looked absolutely stunning.

He approached me with confidence, his presence commanding attention, and his eyes locked onto mine. With a graceful gesture, he extended his arm towards me, which I accepted with a smile.

As he led me to the table, he pulled out the chair for me, a gesture that felt both chivalrous and endearing. Taking my seat opposite him, I couldn't help but admire the way he carried himself.

"So, did you like it?" he inquired, his voice soft yet filled with anticipation.

"Like it? I love it," I replied, my heart swelling with appreciation for the effort he had put into our evening together.

He gently took hold of my hands, his touch sending a tingling sensation down my spine. His thumb traced over my knuckles as he spoke.

"You look stunning in that outfit," he complimented.

"Thank you. It was a gift from my husband," I replied, a playful smile dancing on my lips.

"Your husband has excellent taste," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Our dinner arrived, presented elegantly on the table, and I couldn't help but marvel at the effort Sharvansh had put into planning this evening.

"So, how did you come up with the idea for a date night?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

"Your books," he replied simply.

I couldn't hide my surprise. "You read my books?" I exclaimed, my eyes widening with astonishment.

"Yes, I found them quite intriguing," he admitted, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Which ones have you read so far?" I asked eagerly, leaning forward in anticipation.

"I haven't had the chance to read many, but I did start with 'King of Wrath'," he replied. "And I couldn't help but notice the passages you've highlighted."

His words caught me off guard, causing me to choke on my food as I took a bite, a mixture of shock and embarrassment washing over me.

"I didn't know my wife was into po–"

"It's not porn, it's just some intimate scenes written, and I told you I don't want judgmental comments," I interrupted, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

"I'm not judging you, Rani Sa," he assured me. "At least I got to know how you like it."

Despite his attempt to ease the tension, my embarrassment only deepened, and I could feel my face turning even redder. I knew this was going to happen. I should have erased them before giving my kindle to him.

However, as we continued our conversation over the meal, I found myself gradually relaxing. For the first time in years, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. In Sharvansh's presence, I felt cherished and valued, no longer defined solely by my professional achievements or familial 

roles, but simply as Aaradhya, his Aaradhya.

Finishing the last bite of my meal, I glanced up at him with a sense of anticipation. "What's next?" I asked, eager to continue our newfound connection.

"Dance," he declared with a small smile, rising from his seat and extending his hand towards me. With a playful glint in his eyes, he pulled me gently towards him, urging me to join him on the dance floor.

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