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Aaradhya's POV

As I sat in my cabin, immersed in my work, a sudden knock at the door startled me. I glanced up to see a delivery person standing there, holding a parcel box in their hands. It was an unexpected sight; I couldn't recall the last time someone had sent me a gift or any kind of package.

Curiosity piqued, I quickly rose from my seat and approached the door. "Yes, what is it?" I asked, my voice tinged with anticipation.

The delivery person handed me the parcel box with a polite smile. "This is for you, ma'am," they said before turning to leave.

I accepted the box, feeling a sense of intrigue mingled with apprehension. Who could have sent me this, and what could be inside? With a mixture of excitement and caution, I carefully opened the box, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The contents of the parcel left me feeling unsettled and uneasy. The photographs, capturing moments between Sharvansh and me, felt like an invasion of our privacy. It was evident that someone had been closely observing us, documenting our every move.

As I set the photographs aside, my hands trembling slightly, I turned my attention to the papers enclosed in the box. The words written on them sent a chill down my spine, each sentence more alarming than the last.

'My Dearest Aaradhya,

Do you truly believe that your husband is the man he appears to be? I implore you to reconsider. Behind his charming facade lies a cunning individual, capable of destroying your life with a mere flick of his wrist.

Your beloved husband, Sharvansh, is not the noble figure you believe him to be. In fact, he orchestrated a devious plot to sabotage your happiness long before you even uttered your wedding vows.

Your ex-fiancé, was lured into a web of deception by none other than Sharvansh himself. He offered a hefty sum of money to sever the ties between you, casting aside any semblance of honor or integrity in pursuit of his selfish desires.

But that is not the extent of his treachery. He coercion to manipulate your parents into arranging your marriage to him.

Do not be deceived by his affable demeanor or his seemingly genuine affection. Sharvansh is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and you are but his unwitting prey. Open your eyes, my dear, and see him for the danger he truly is.

Yours in concern,

A Well-Wisher'

The weight of the accusations contained in the letters pressed heavily on my chest, suffocating me with uncertainty and fear. Each word seemed to carve deeper into my soul, casting a shadow of doubt over the foundation of my relationship with Sharvansh.

I sat in silence, the letters clenched tightly in my trembling hands, unable to move or think clearly amidst the turmoil raging within me. It felt as though a dark cloud had settled over my thoughts, obscuring any semblance of clarity or certainty.

Confronting Sharvansh felt like stepping into the unknown, facing the possibility of shattering the illusion of our marriage and the image I had constructed of him in my mind. The fear of what lay beyond that confrontation, coupled with the overwhelming sense of betrayal, kept me 

rooted in indecision.

In the end, I couldn't bring myself to face him. Instead, I tucked the damning evidence away in a drawer, as if hiding it from sight would make the unsettling truth it contained disappear. My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and the weight of uncertainty bore down on me like an oppressive weight.

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