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Aaradhya's POV


As I embarked on this new chapter of my life, my focus was crystal clear – earn my degree and break free from the clutches of my so-called family. The prospect of forming friendships and diving into relationships didn't hold much allure for me. Dhriti, my steadfast companion, shared my classes, becoming the sole familiar face in a sea of strangers.

To add a touch of vibrancy to my college routine, I joined both the dance club and the volleyball club. These activities provided a necessary escape from the complexities of my personal life, offering solace and a sense of purpose.

However, a significant obstacle appeared in the form of a senior I encountered on my very first day. This senior, with an air of confidence and an aura that demanded attention, seemed to be a potential source of disruption in my carefully planned college journey.

Apart from encountering him during classes, his presence seemed to permeate every corner of the college. Whether it was the canteen, parking lot, or the sports ground, he appeared to be omnipresent, making it challenging for me to avoid him.

In the midst of our conversation about the upcoming fresher's party, the teacher intervened, making a crucial announcement that would impact our academic journey.

"Are you coming to the fresher's party?" I queried Dhriti, just as the teacher addressed the class.

"Students, from next month, you have to start working on your semester project. As you all know, you are supposed to group up with your seniors, so contact your seniors. Those who want the teachers to make their groups can give their names by the end of this week."

As the teacher concluded the announcement, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about the upcoming project. Dhriti and I exchanged a glance, realizing that this was a crucial step in our college journey.

After the class, as we made our way to the cafeteria, I noticed him again – the mysterious senior who seemed to be everywhere. He was engaged in conversation with a group of students, and my curiosity got the better of me.

"Hey, Dhriti, do you know who he is?" I gestured discreetly towards the senior.

Dhriti followed my gaze and grinned. "Oh, you mean Sharvansh Singh? He's quite famous around here. Rumor has it that he's one of the smartest and most sought-after seniors for projects. But beware, he's a bit... intense."

Intense? The word lingered in my mind as we continued toward the cafeteria, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this semester project might be more complicated than I anticipated.

Dhriti and I sat in the cafeteria, discussing our approach to the upcoming semester project. The announcement about partnering with seniors had added a layer of complexity to our college journey.

"I don't care. I'm thinking of giving our names to the teachers directly," I remarked to Dhriti.

"Alright, tomorrow we'll submit our names to the teachers. But what topic should we choose?"

"Hold on a moment. First, let's form a group. Just pray that we get good seniors," I said, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension about the unknown seniors we were about to be teamed up with.

The morning of the project assignment brought a mix of nerves and excitement as Dhriti and I made our way through the bustling corridors, weaving through the throngs of students with a singular goal in mind. Armed with our names and a silent plea for decent seniors as group members, we approached the teachers' desk, hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.

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