Caring For Her

382 17 2

Sharvansh's POV

'Bhai Aaru got into accident.' 

 'Bhai Aaru got into accident.' 

 'Bhai Aaru got into accident.' 

 Those ranged in my mind,  

The drive back to the palace felt like an eternity, my thoughts consumed by the image of Aaradhya in pain. I couldn't lose her. Not now, not ever. I swore that if someone was behind this, they would pay dearly for every single scratch on her. I would make them bleed from every part of their body.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I raced toward the palace. Memories of Aaradhya and the moments we had shared flooded my mind, making me realize just how much she meant to me. I couldn't bear the thought of her in pain, and I couldn't help but blame myself for not being there with her when this happened.

My heart raced, and I muttered prayers under my breath, hoping against hope that she would be alright. I couldn't lose her. No matter what, she needed to live. Her breath, her soul, her body—they all belonged to me.

As I finally reached the palace, I braced myself for what I might find. Aaradhya's safety and well-being were all that mattered to me in that moment, and I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead to ensure her recovery.

I rushed inside the palace, my heart pounding, and immediately sought information about Aaradhya's condition. The servants and staff were in a frenzy, and I could see the worry on their faces. The news had spread like wildfire, and everyone was concerned about Aaradhya.

I reached her room and found her lying on the bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses. She looked pale, her face marred with bruises and bandages. My heart sank at the sight, and I couldn't bear to see her in pain.

I reached her room and found her sitting on the bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses. She looked pale, her face marred with bruises, and her arm wrapped in bandages. My heart sank at the sight, and I couldn't bear to see her in pain.

Dev asked the doctors about her injuries, concern evident in his voice. "Tell me, how is she? Is she going to be okay?"

The medical team began explaining her injuries and the treatment she would require. It was a whirlwind of medical terms and information, but all I cared about was that she would recover. I nodded, giving them permission to do whatever it took to ensure her well-being.

As they continued their work, I stood at the end of the bed. Ruhani Masi Sa, who had a gentle expression, caressed Aaradhya's cheeks and said, "I will call your parents. They might be worried about you."

Aaradhya's smile faded as she replied, "No masi, there's no need to call them here. I will talk to them later."

Reyansh, looking concerned, asked, "Do you feel any pain, Aaru?"

She assured him with a light smile, "No, I'm fine, Rey."

Dev said, "Call us if you need anything," and I couldn't help but find his presence irritating.

"I will take care of her. Aap sab jaayiye. Aur Masi Sa, humara khana kamre me hi bhijwa dijiye. Jab tak Rani Sa thik nahi ho jaati," I declared, indicating that we would have our meal in her room. My priority was her recovery, and I didn't want any distractions or unnecessary attention for her.

After everyone left the room, I couldn't bear the uncertainty of the situation any longer. I needed to know what had happened to Aaradhya.

"What happened, Cherry?" I asked her, my voice filled with concern.

Aaradhya looked at me with a mixture of pain and exhaustion in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment, as if debating how much to share.

"It was just an accident," she finally replied. "I was driving, and a car suddenly swerved into my lane. I had to swerve to avoid a collision, and I ended up crashing into a tree."

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