I Can't Find Surrender And I Can't Keep Control

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The fic where i go more so by the canon fact that Grian has been both on Hermitcraft and Evo when he was taken by Watchers I & II :D

Huge thanks to my lovely friend and beta Ilia <3
Wc: 3.013

(part 1)


The word loath probably wasn’t the best word for Grian to explain his despise and hated towards the ones who took him.

Grians been an Admin since he was 17 and he became one to escape the hell one would call a high school. Now he was standing in all white room that reminded him of a mental institution, only one light bulb barely brighting up the room he was chained up in.

The chains were embeded in the floor and locked on his wrists so tightly that they were leaving red and yellow marks as well as bruises. With it aroud the wrists Grian could barely straighten himself, even when on his knees, which for him was a very uncomfortable position.
Being unconscious for over... Well who knows how long has it been. Could have been hours, days.

The last thing Grian remembered before he was brought to what he assumed was the famous Watchers facility, was agreeing to become one of them if it meant his players safety.

Grian may not be the best of admins but he was a friend and a brother to his server mates, he had to do anything to protect them by all cost.
And where did that get him? Alone, cold, beat up, powerless...

Grian wasn’t someone who would hold his tongue, at least most of the times, so when he was brought there, awaken by a weird, yet strong feeling in his chest, like an infection taking over his whole body without him having a word in it. But no... This was worse, the feeling quickly turned into a dull pain that certainly woke him up.

When he first woke up, he was in the middle of a room of sorts, a hall maybe? Not really.
Trying to stand, barely but successfully doing so, his right hand clutching the sweater around his heart, struggling and trying to breathe properly but failing to do so, Grian looked around and noticed that he certainly wasn’t the first nor the last person here.

There were at least a hundred other people around his age, all around probably sixteen to twenty? Maybe. But they were unconscious.
Being an Admin of both Evolution and being a part of Hermitcraft, has been draining but he wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

Grian was just one day telling Xisuma that he would be on Evo, since they were preparing for a fight against the dragon and X encouraged him!

Saying that they’ll do great and when he comes back to talk with him about the next jump and setting up better firewalls.

A safety precautions, nothing else.

Oh how wrong he was.
The moment he and the Evolutionists jumped through the suspiciously shining End portal, ending all alone to kill her? How stupid of him, really. Grian knew he failed as both Admin and a friend to all of them, and now he was here.

In all white room with no way to escape whatsoever.

When he started to walk, not even few steps in, behind him could be heard a swirl of sorts.

Just as he turned around and see a similar Watcher in their purple robes standing in front of him.

The Watcher held that same neutral but not safe and warm look Grian usually saw them have, their presence did not feel welcoming at all.

Through, the robe this Watcher had was a bit over the top. The golden lace that ran across the fabric, the quality of it itself was better than the ones he saw Diamond have, for example.
The mask this Watcher was wearing was no difference, though.

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