{1} Aiden

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Sadly, but true. I don't not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters, expect for Ivy and the plot twist that she adds to the the story.


Now enjoy your reading.


The Twin's Little Sister - Chapter 1

I watched as Derek used a zippo lighter to cauterize my brother, Ethan's wounds at the loft. To be honest I never really understood all that.

"Should be fine in a couple of hours. Unless whoever shot you guys manages to find you again."

Really Derek. Now not the time for that. At least my brothers and I are fine for now.

"Lydia's with Scott. We need to go."

Are you serious right now, Aiden. We were almost killed and all you can think about right now is getting Lydia.

"Are you gonna try to convince her to go with you?"

I'm guessing that he'll probably just do that. Ethan stands up and heads next to Aiden. He points at me.

"Come on Ivy, let's go."

I sighed and just stood up and headed towards the two of them.

"I'm gonna try and convince her to run and hide. Like any sane person would do."

Hold on just a second Aiden. We're not that insane now are we now?

"And Danny?"

Ughh. Both my brothers have a boyfriend and girlfriend, that there trying to protect while I'm just here all single and all. Trying to protect both of their asses. Derek spoke to Ethan, but I was the one who spoke.

"Allison's dead. Stiles is dying. -"

Ethan cut me off and finished the rest.

"What do you think"

"I think Danny won't believe you. And Lydia would never run and hide."

"Because of Stiles?"

"Because of Scott!"

My brothers and I stood silence for a moment.

"You've been trying to find a way into his pack. Trying to earn his trust, trying to fight for him. You've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader. You fight for a leader's cause."

"What cause?"

I practically zoned out, not wanting to hear anymore of this conversation. Like really why can't we just do what Aiden said, and we just go run and hide? I mean come on, at least that way, we're all be safe and together.

I don't know what I'll do if I lost one or both of my brothers. They're the only family, I have left.

"Derek, we want to fight but we also want to keep our baby sister alive."

"HEY! I'm not a baby."

"I understand that, but then find another way to stand and fight, while also keeping Ivy alive."

Little did I know that there plan was for them to fight and for me to hide.

• • • •

"Ivy, listen to me."

"Yes, Aiden?"

"Your going I stay hidden alright. Don't you dare come out until this is all over alright?"

The Twins' Little Sister ➵ L. Dunbar ¹Where stories live. Discover now