{17} The Hunt for Garrett

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A kiss

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A kiss


1- a touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting

Without a doubt, Beacon Hills Lacrosse Team ended up losing its scrimmage to Devonford Prep. Mason and I, however only stayed halfway into the game before we got bored and decided to ditch the game and just walk around. So we didn't see how it ended but apparently, everyone is pretty saddened about it.

Me? Well, I'm still freaking out about the kiss that I shared with Liam a couple hours ago.

"Oh, you so like him." The voice belonging to my dear friend, Mason, expressed as it disturbed me from my thoughts.

"Do not." My heart beat started raising as I lied to Mason. Well, it's technically not lying since I'm not so sure if I'm freaking out because I may sorta like him or because I just had my very first kiss.

"Yes, you do. If you didn't then you wouldn't be freaking out so much about the damn kiss."

"Well, I'm sorry for freaking out about my first kiss." I snapped by accident, immediately rejecting my actions. "I'm sorry for snapping, Mas."

"It's fine, Ivy. Don't worry your pretty little heart about it." I nodded to Mason as I walked him to his bus stop.

"You sure you don't want to take the bus with me, Ivy."

"Nah, it's fine. Derek's going to be picking me up soon." Which was a complete lie, by the way.


As Mason's bus left the bus stop, I was immediately spammed by a whole bunch of text messages from Liam. 'Oh boy.' I thought, as I began reading his messages.

Where are you?


I can't find you anywhere.

I'm starting to get a little worried over here.

Seriously, Ivy where are you?

Lydia cracked the second part of the deadpool.

Our names aren't on it.... yet

I'm pretty sure our names might be on the last third.

But that doesn't stop me from worrying, that someone might have taken you


Brett's name showed up on the list. Violet almost killed him, but Scott saved the day once again. Garrett has gone MIA. I'm scared that he might have taken you.

By the way, Violet and Garrett are assassins called The Orphans. 


I let out a small laugh as I read Liam's text messages. Aww, poor kid is worried about me. 'How cute.' A smiled sneaked onto my face.

For some reason, I can't seem to progress the fact that Brett is some sort of supernatural creature, most likely a werewolf I bet. Or the fact that two of my so called friends are assassins who were out to kill us.

'How lovely.'

Letting my thoughts go to waste, I decided to reply back to Liam; to calm that little worried mind of his.

Hey, I'm fine. Still alive and breathing... for now. (I'm kidding, possibly, who knows) anyways, stop worrying so much will you. I was just walking Mason to his bus stop.

Stop playing with me, Ivy 😑. You had me real scared, okay. Now hurry your pretty little self up, and meet me by the school's main entrance. Scott needs our help.

Got it, boss 👍🏻


As Liam and I walked through the school's main entrance. The first thing that could be heard as you walked in was all the loud yells that dear old Coach was making towards the lacrosse team.

"Guys, back off. You can get your gear tomorrow. If anyone sees Garrett, you notify the police immediately. Then tell him he's off the damn team."

Liam and I made our way pass Coach, as we reached Scott. However, he was talking to his father, so Liam pulled us back into a corner, so that Agent McCall won't see us.

Soon enough, they stopped speaking because Deputy Parrish had walked by with Violet in handcuffs, and Agent McCall went chasing after them.

While Deputy Parrish passed by me with Violet by his side, Violet gave me the nastiest look ever. Oh, okay? I seemed to have become last in thought, since I didn't noticed when Liam had pulled us towards Scott and began talking with him.

"Everyone's on it." Liam said to Scott, probably talking about the deadpool.

"You're not and neither is Ivy." Scott replied.

Before Liam could answer, I cut him off, "not yet. Isn't there another third left still?"

Scott didn't respond back, because apparently he seemed to be listening into his father's conversation with Violet. I didn't listen into the conversation because I didn't think it'll be any interesting. However, I did listen into what Sheriff Stilinski, "Coach, I'm going to need both their locker numbers. And someone find me a set of bolt cutters."

This caused the three of us to look at one another, Scott breaking the silence among us, "Come on, you two."


I swear there has to be a school that teaches good planning skills, because I most definitely volunteer both Scott and Stiles for it.

We, more like Liam and I, were standing in between the boys' locker room door as we stood watch. While Scott was searching through Garrett's locker, looking for anything useful to help us find Garrett.

I'm not sure when this happened, but on our way here to the boys' locker room, Liam took a of my hand. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"I think someone's coming. Hurry. You find anything?" Liam nervously asked Scott, as he kept checking if someone was indeed approaching us or not.

I gave Liam's hand a light squeeze causing him to look my way. His eyes giving me a confused look.

"Calm down, will you?" I whisper to Liam.

He took in a deep breathe, but before he could reply, Scott interrupted him.

"No. Nothing at all."

not edited at all 😭 but hey, I finally updated 🤷🏼‍♂️ multiple updates coming your way ☺️ so stayed tuned 🌸

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