{5} Liam

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Sadly, but true. I don't not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters, expect for Ivy and the plot twist that she adds to the the story.


Now enjoy your reading.


The Twins Little Sister - Chapter 5

I closed my locker after putting away my things. Only to see the one and only Lydia Martin standing right next to my locker. Oh just great. I thought in my head.

"Umm, can I help you?"

My whole plan is to ignore them all, including Lydia which kinda sucks, cause she was so nice to me before.

"Actually you can. You look very familiar to me, have I seen you from somewhere?"

"Uhhh, no. I just recently moved here."

I noticed a blonde girl appear next to me. I got a strange vide coming out of her, she's not a werewolf that's for sure. So what is she, I'm not entirely familiar with different kinds of supernatural creatures.

"Or you just moved back."

I'm pretty sure, still guessing that's the famous Malia, I overheard so much before I left Beacon Hills. But I never heard what type of supernatural creature she was.

"Look, I don't know who you are or what you want, but I'm not interested."

"Ohh, I got it!"

"Got what?"

"I know, where I have seen you before."

"And where exactly was that?"

"Your Aiden's younger sister, Ivy!"

I was gonna leave her there and walk to the lacrosse field but, I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard her say that sentence. Why couldn't Lydia just say 'oh your Ivy' or something along those lines. Why did she have to bring up Aiden.

"What do you want, Lyd?"

Yeah, that what I call Lydia.

"Oh my gawd. I knew it was you."

"Yeah, it's me alright."

"How long have you been back for?"

"Almost a week."

"Oh my god, really! Why didn't you come say hi to us at least. Come on, let's go to the others, I'm pretty sure, they'll be thrilled to see you."

Look, I love Lydia and all that, but sometimes things like these, make me not like her at times. You feel me?

"Hold up, Lydia. There's a reason why I have been avoiding you guys, alright."

"Why is that, Ivy?"

"Look, I don't really want to deal with the whole supernatural stuff, alright, especially after Aiden's death.

"I get it, Ivy. I do, I know it must be hard on you since his death, but I'm your friend. You could at least came up to me."

"I'm sorry I just really don't want Scott and Stiles to recognize me. They'll probably just drag me onto the supernatural world, which I'm trying to avoid as much as possible. I just want to try and have a normal life or at least try and get a feel on what having a normal life feels like. Look, Lydia I was hoping if you wouldn't tell them that I'm here."

"Your secret safe with me."

I smiled and hugged Lydia, she immediately hugged back.

"I missed you Lydia."

The Twins' Little Sister ➵ L. Dunbar ¹Where stories live. Discover now