{2} Where's Derek?

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Sadly, but true. I don't not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters, expect for Ivy and the plot twist that she adds to the the story.


Now enjoy your reading.


The Twin's Little Sister - Chapter 2


I woke up screaming. I swear the nightmares of Aiden's death just don't stop coming. Why can't they all just go away?

"Ivy, are you alright?"

Ethan arrived in my room with a very worry look.

"No, not really. I keep on having those nightmares again."

Ethan knew what I was talking about since this isn't the first time that this has occurred.

"Hey. Ivy look at me. It's alright trust me. You'll get over them soon. I promise."

I just nodded. Not wanting to say anything.

"Now come on, you have to finish packing for your trip back to Beacon Hills."

It's been about five months since Ethan and I left Beacon Hills. Five months since Aiden's death.

And now Ethan's making me go back. To be honest, I don't really want to go back to Beacon Hills. Too many memories have occurred there. But according to Ethan, 'everything will be fine.'

"But Ethan. I don't understand why you can't go back to Beacon Hills with me."

"Ivy, you have to understand why. It's all for your safety. Don't worry, you'll be just fine with Derek. He promised to take good care of you."


"Now come on let's finished up here."


We just arrived at the airport and boy was I nervous. I looked down at my outfit, which consisted of a grey tank tops and some black soft type jeans, while some Uggs. Since it is going to be a long trip back to Beacon Hills, might as well dress comfortable for the long trip ahead of me.

Come on Ivy you can do this.

"Ethan, I can't do this."

"Ivy, your strong enough to do this."

"But it's been months since I was last in Beacon Hills. I'm nervous."

"Ivy, you'll be fine trust me. I love you sis and I have faith in you."

I nodded and hugged Ethan, he hugged back right away. He kissed my head before pulling away from the hug. Soon enough my flight was being called up.

"Ivy, that's your flight. Come on you have to get going.-"

I nodded.

"- Now remember Derek is going to be picking you at the Beacon Hills airport. Everything is going to be alright, you hear me Ivy. I love you so much don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too Ethan. See you soon."

Here I come Beacon Hills.





I heard someone keep on repeating that to me. You see or as you can tell I was bloody sleeping. I just hate when people wake me up from my sleep.

"Miss, we just landed and people are already getting off the plane."

I just nodded and got my things together and left the bloody plane.


I swear waiting on Derek Hale is like waiting for the day aliens invade our world. Or waiting for the day that they make pizza for free. But seriously where the hell is Derek at. I have been waiting for him for almost three hours. Why is he so late???

"Miss, would you like for me to call you a taxi?"

I looked up, only to see one of the ladies that work here. Noticing that Derek won't be arriving anytime soon, I ended up on agreeing to the ladies offer.

"Yeah, that would be lovely."


The taxi dropped me off at the loft. I thankfully thanked myself for one remembering Derek's address and two for remembering where Derek keeps the spare key.

I unlocked the door and went right in.

"Hello, is anybody home?"

"Derek, you forgot to pick me up from the airport."


"Seriously, where is everyone?"

"Who the hell are you and why are you here?"

I turned around to see who the person who was talking. Only to find myself standing next to the one and only.

Peter Hale

"Seriously Peter, you don't remember me. Well now that's a shame, since it's only been five months, isn't it, grumpy bird."

"Oh my, your back. Nice to have you back Ivy and how many times do I have a tell you that I hate that nickname. I'm not even a bird and I'm not grumpy."

"I know that's why I use it. Anyways do you have any idea where Derek may be. Do you know where he is? He was supposed to pick me up at the airport but he fail to do that."

"I do remember Derek speaking of picking someone up at the airport. But to answer your question, no I haven't seen him for days. He hasn't even came home, that I know of."

"Should we be worried?"

"Nah it's Derek we're talking about."

It seems as Derek may be in trouble since according to Peter he hasn't come home for days. I was going to say something but Peter beat me to it first."

"Come on let me show you to your room. Derek and I have b en working on it for weeks. So I really hope you like it."

"I'm pretty sure, I'll like it. I'm not really a picker."


Peter was pretty much filling me in on what has occurred in Beacon Hills while I was away in Australia with Ethan. But not much as happened in the time I was gone, according to Peter things have been pretty much been pretty smooth around here. Sure there has been a few incidents here and there but nothing big. I just really really hope that things stay that way while my stay at Beacon Hills.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm pretty much beat up. I'm heading to bed and I suggest that you do the same. Especially after that very long trip from Australia to Beacon Hills. I can pretty much assume that your pretty beat up also."

"Yeah your right. I'm pretty much tired and need a really long ass sleep. The trip here took away all of my energy. So goodnight Peter."

Peter chuckled.

"Night, Ivy."

The Twins' Little Sister ➵ L. Dunbar ¹Where stories live. Discover now