{28} Eventful Nights and Kisses

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Liam Dunbar sat in his room next to his best friend Mason Hewitt, as the pair played a video game of hand and hand combat

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Liam Dunbar sat in his room next to his best friend Mason Hewitt, as the pair played a video game of hand and hand combat. Liam seems to be having the upper hand. Mason is shocked by how good his best friend had become in this game. Mason jokingly asks, "have you been practicing a lot lately or did you just suddenly get superhuman reflexes?"

Liam becomes thrown off by Mason's question. He manages to stammer out that he's been "practicing," due to the fact that his best friend has no clue on what he has become. Mason still doesn't know that Liam isn't the same person, he has always known. Instead, he's this sort of a whole new person with the added kick of werewolf juice inside him. How could you possibly expand to your best friend that you aren't completely human? That you could see, hear, smell things way more quickly.

That you were different than everyone else?

Liam sighs, as Mason gets up from the bed and starts packing his things. Getting ready to go home and study for a History exam, he has the next morning.

However, Liam isn't ready for him to leave.

"Study here. You can stay over. Come on, one more game. Just one" Liam's voice was soft and a tad shaky.

"You okay?" Mason asked Liam with concern.

"Yeah. You're right. You should go. I should probably study too. See you at school." Liam's voice was full of disappointment.

"You know you can always call your girlfriend" Mason spoke before he left Liam's room altogether.

Liam sighed as he held his cellphone on his hands, debating whether or not he should call up Ivy at this hour. Just a couple days ago, Ivy had come clean with him and told him everything, especially the hallucinations. So it made sense that Ivy would understand him since he also seemed to be having hallucinations.

He hadn't realized that he had pressed the call button on Ivy's contact until he heard her sweet angelic voice on the phone. "Liam? Hey, is everything okay?"

"Shit, were you sleeping? I'm sorry I shouldn't have called" Liam now felt guilty over waking Ivy up from her sleep.

"Baby, no no no. Don't feel sorry. I wasn't sleeping, it's kind of impossible with Braeden and Derek downstairs."

"Oh okay. That's good. No wait, it's not good. I- um - man I'm horrible."

Ivy soft laughed was heard through the phone, causing Liam's nerves to settle down a bit.

"Liam, love. are you alright?"

Liam sighed, "Yeah, of course, I am. I just wanted to hear your voice before I go to sleep."

Ivy came up with an idea, "Well if you want, we could stay on the phone together until we both fall asleep."

"I like that idea" Liam smiled as he snuggled into bed. Liam hesitates to turn off his lamp, still scared of his own hallucinations, but Ivy's voice seems to distract him enough to turn it off. The heavy rain pouring outside also seems to help him relax.

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