{24} The Printed Paper

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Liam and I walked hand-in-hand into school

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Liam and I walked hand-in-hand into school. We got a couple of comfort smiles from people we passed. I was a bit surprised when Liam showed up this morning at Derek's loft to walk to school together, but I didn't mind it one bit. The more time to spend with my boyfriend. 'My boyfriend,' two words I still couldn't believe that I could say.

I must have been so focused on my own thoughts, that I didn't notice Mason walk up to us.

"Liam! Hey. Am I gonna see you at the bonfire tonight?"

Liam seemed so off focused, as if something was bothering him, "Uhh... I'm thinking about skipping it."

My eyebrows raised at Liam's statement, the bonfire tonight was like the annual hype of spirit event for the lacrosse team, he couldn't just miss it. Mason must have had the same idea as me, "You're not skipping it."

My hand removed itself from Liam's hand, and I placed both of my hands on his shoulders, "Liam, honey, you can't skip this bonfire."

Liam looked at me with puppy eyes, "Why not?"

"Because -" my sentence was cut off by Mason. "You're on the lacrosse team. Don't you have to go?"

Liam' eyes shifted from me to Mason. "I don't, uh... I... I don't think I can make it."

The fear coming from Liam's sentence was very concerning, yet I couldn't possibly tell what was causing him so much fear. I figured that it was better to question him when Mason wasn't around, in case the fear was related to anything supernatural.

Mason had a determined look in his mind, and I immediately knew that he wasn't backing down until Liam agreed to go.

"You're coming. And we are going to get you drunk enough so you can embarrass yourself in front of Ivy and find me a lacrosse player. Because statistically speaking, someone on your team has gotta be on my team. All right?." I smiled as Mason finished his sentence, however, Liam didn't seem to find this amusing. Hell, it seemed as if Liam wasn't even listening.

So I lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Liam?" Mason questioned.

"Okay, I'll be there," and with that Liam walked away, leaving Mason and a very confused look on my face behind. 

 Liam had a meeting with the lacrosse team about the bonfire, so I waited outside the boy's locker room for him

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 Liam had a meeting with the lacrosse team about the bonfire, so I waited outside the boy's locker room for him. Something was bothering/scaring the crap out of my boyfriend and I refused to let him deal with this alone.

Moments later, Liam was the first one out of the locker room. However, he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even see me waiting here for him. I sighed and was about to chase after Liam when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning back I was face to face with the only Scott McCall.

"Hey, Ivy. Is everything alright with Liam? He seemed a little off." Scott spoke to me. I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only one noticing Liam's strange behaviors. I don't understand, this morning when he picked me up he was completely fine, but the moment we stepped foot inside the school, his whole mood just changed.

"Honestly, I'm not sure." I sighed, "but I'm going to get to the bottom of it, I swear."

'What kind of girlfriend would I be if I let him handle this by himself?' I mumbled to no one but myself.

"Wait, are you guys -" I ran off before Scott could finish his question, but I knew what he was gonna ask and I know he knows the answered to that already.

"ABOUT TIME!" Scott yelled as I disappeared through the halls.

"ABOUT TIME!" Scott yelled as I disappeared through the halls

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I found Liam sitting down on one of the staircases.

"Hey, Liam, are you okay?" I asked softly, as I sat next to him.

He turned his head to me, he looked like he was about to say something to me, but it seemed as if regretted it and sighed before turning back to focus on his lacrosse stick.

I dragged one of my arms on Liam's shoulders and brought him closer to me. His head now resting on my shoulder. "Liam, baby, you have to talk to me." I placed a kiss on top of his head before speaking again, "What's going on, love?"

Liam sighed once again, before raising his head from my shoulder. He took both of my hands and placed them on top of his. He took in a deep breath before he finally spoke.

"I'm just so scared, Ivy?"

"Of what exactly?"

"Everything. This Deadpool, these killers..."

"Are you scared of me?" Liam paused at my statement.

"God, no. I could never be scared of you. Ivy, you're the only sane thing in my life right now."

"Well... I wouldn't consider being a werewolf so sane." Liam chuckled, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Trust me, werewolf or not, you'll always be sane in my heart."

"Then there's nothing to really be scared of now, is there?"

Liam leaned in and gave me a kiss on the check. I could tell Liam was still afraid of something like there was more to what he was saying.

The two of us must have been so focused on ourselves, that we didn't even hear Scott approach us. He took a sit on the other side of Liam.

"Hey. You okay?"

Liam didn't even turn to face him as he began to speak, his hands still entangled with mine.

"Last night my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button. But it just kept printing."

I sat there quietly, he never told me this.

"Printing what?" Scott asked. Liam detangled one of his hands from mine and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. He finally turns to face Scott, as he gave him the piece of paper. Liam turned to face me once again, before placing his head down on my shoulder. I wrapped one of my arms around his shoulders, kissing the top of his head.

"WHAT THE HELL'S THIS?" We all heard Coach shout, from a distance. The three of us quickly got up and made our way towards Coach's office.

Once we were at his office, we noticed that his printer just kept printing one single paper, over and over again... The Deadpool. Scott leaned into Coach's office and quickly grabbed one of the printed papers from the floor.

Liam immediately pushed me and Scott away from Coach's office. Scott now held the paper Liam gave him and the one he took from Coach's office.

"You see the difference?" Liam asked

"Derek's not on the list anymore," Scott responded.

Wait, what?

"And either Ivy or I are worth three million anymore. I'm 10 now and Ivy's 11. $10 million and $11 million."

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