{16} A Scrimmage's Kiss

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After both Scott and Stiles had left the locker room, and it was just me and Liam left. He turned his head, so that it was no facing me. His eyes stayed connected to mines for a couple of seconds, until they dropped down. My eyes followed to where his eyes had land, and I noticed that my once white stripped shirt with a little alien on it, was now completely see-through, and you could practically see my bright red bra. Oh boy.

My cheeks immediately turned a dark shade of red. I try my best to cover up using my own hands, but this had caused Liam to chuckle.

"What?" I questioned the young beta.

"Nothing, come on." He said, while letting out his hand so that he could help me stand up.

I shook my head and let out my hand so that Liam could help me up. He kept a hold of my hand, once I was on my feet, and dragged me towards his locker.

He casted around his locker looking for god knows what. Once his search slow down, I knew that he had found what he was looking for.

"Here, you can wear this, I know you wouldn't want to walk around the remaining of the day with your now wet shirt, and bright red bra showing." He spoke as he handed me his lacrosse hoodie. My cheeks burning as fire.

"I couldn't possibly wear this, Liam. It's yours and I don't want to steal it from you."

"Love, it's okay. I actually want you to ear it, and techinally it's not stealing since I gave it to you."

I blushed at the fact that Liam had called me love. Not caring whether Liam saw me or not, I lifted my now wet shirt off my body, which had left me in just my jeans and my bright red bra.

I heard Liam suck in a huge breathe, as he watched taking off my shirt. I let out a small chuckle at the cause of his reaction. As he seriously never seen a girl half naked before. Well I shouldn't be one to judge, cause I never seen a boy half naked, unless you count my brothers, well brother. And lets just say that really doesn't count.

I pulled Liam's lacrosse hoodie over my semi-drenched body.

"You know you could have given me a warning." I heard Liam say, while I laughed.

"Now, where's the fun in that." I responded back to the young wolf.

"Liam let out a small deep breathe, and mumbled the word "tease" under his breathe in a low voice. But thanks to my werewolf hearing, I was able to catch what he had spoken. I noticed the time on my phone and mentally cursed at myself.

"I'm going to be late to class, I'll see you later."

I walked up to Liam and placed a small kiss on his cheeks. I was about to walk away from Liam, when he pulled my waist and pulled me dangerously close to him. I sucked in a huge breathe as I noticed how close we really were. Our lips just inches away from one another. And my nerves just growing by the second.

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