3:You're bribing me with food

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I rushed to my locker and took my football kit and went to change. 

 I went to the field and my team was already there and obviously I was the only girl.

Never mind.

Coach was saying something about today's match but I couldn't concentrate because of course that new guy had to be in our school's team.

"Sandra? Sandra!", Coach yelled my name and broke my trance of thoughts.

"y-yes coach", I replied.

"You will show Jackson around the school", he 'ordered'. 

I looked at him and he was trying not to smile, staring at the ground.

So he's Jackson. Great.

"Understand?", coach asked me.

 "Yes coach", I replied hesitantly. 

"Good. Now get started for this game all of you",Coach pointed towards his watch.

The game was going good, I had scored two goals and it's hard to admit but Jackson was also an amazing player. The time went out and we won, of course.

I changed and came out and Jackson was waiting for me.

"Hey, I'm Jackson and you?", he asked.

 "Sandra Campbell", i replied in a monotone voice, wondering why i had to do this.

"Look I'm really sorry for what happened during lunch, I didn't mean to embarrass you like that, but I really need help adjusting here", he apologised once more.

I crossed my arms and looked away.

He held out a chocolate bar in front of me.

Sandra, think again.

No way i have other stuff to do

It's chocolate


"You're bribing me with food", I still tried to act hard.

"Okay, fine...", he was going to put it back but i took it, which made him laugh for some reason but whatever.

"So, you play football huh", he tried to make a conversation.

I paused from trying to open the wrapper and looked at him, "do you have a problem with that?"

"Damn girl, are you always like this?", he held up his arms in surrender.

"Depends", I finally opened the chocolate.

He smiled and shook his head, "anyways tell me about yourself"

"And why should i do that?", I asked, still not done with the attitude.

"Okay Sandra this is going to work only if you let down this act of yours so we can talk and you can help me", he crossed his arms and looked at me.

"Alrightt. I'm about to turn 18, i live with my mom, dad and younger brother. I love football and music. And food. That's about it. What about you?"

"Interesting. I just moved here with my family, i'm an only child so that explains how fun my life must be. My parents are mostly too busy so i spend my time alone playing video games or reading and yeah", he shrugged and smiled.

I stopped and looked at him, "reading?"

He paused too and looked at me, "do you have a problem with that?"

I closed my eyes, smiled and shook my head which made him laugh.

"But yeah, i like to read", we continued to walk around the building and I explained him everything he needed to know.

"So, you seem like a very interesting person, i'll see you tomorrow?", he raised his eyebrows in hopes of me saying yes.

"Yeah...no", I smiled sarcastically.

"But why, i'm sure i'm not that bad", he practically whined.

"and how are you so sure?", i asked.

"come on", continued whining.

"oh my god okay stop", no body ever took interest in me like this before.

"yay", he grinned.

i gave him a mock salute  and walked away as he continued smiling to himself.


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