22:It's a promise.

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I was walking in the corridor at lunch time hoping that Chloe and Sophia would come cheering to me but I know they won't because they were so busy chatting with Eleanor. Now I had lost four friends...Chloe Sophia and they obviously wouldn't let Parker and Jacob be friends with me and I'm damn sure they would tell some other fake rumour about me and not the one that I slept with him because they're afraid that if the rumour would be false then Parker and Jacob would leave them for believing the rumour.

I was just left with Edward now.

"Hi", Edward smiled. Coming back from my thoughts I smiled back.

"So what's up? Wait why is your face hanging like this?", he asked.

Sandy come up with a reason!

No sandy tell her what Chloe and Sophie did!

Oh gosh what do I do?!

"Uh-Ed-um ther", I kept on staggering.

Tell her the truth Sandy that would be helping.


I dragged him aside quickly.

"Woah what happened?", he asked.
"Edward it's that what happened with Eleanor and me that day...she took revenge. She told Chloe and Sophie a false rumour that I-I", tears were on the edge already.

Family problem ugh.

"I slept with Parker. She spread this rumour to them that I got Parker drunk at the  party and then slept with him. So Chloe and Sophie the girls who knew me from 5 years believed the girl who just came yesterday. Now I've lost four friends and I'm left with you if you don't believe in the rumour", I said as tears came flowing.

He hugged me.

"Please don't tell this to anyone not even Parker and Jacob.", I said wiping my tears.

he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Edward you'll always be with me right?", I asked.

 "It's a promise", he smiled.


I came out of the bathroom only a small towel wrapped around.

I walked towards my bed when I screamed to find Edward on my bed he was laughing at my expression.
I rushed back into the bathroom and changed into my clothes.

I wore black shorts with a purple short T-shirt.
When I finally dressed I came outside.

"Hi", he smiled at me.
"Edward what the hell where you doing?! How did you come here?!", I said taking a seat next to him.

"And what were your intentions huh?", a sort of smile came on my face, don't know why.

"Ah you know I'm a bad boy I can do anything", he smirked.
"But you have a soft heart", I raised an eyebrow.

"Being a bad boy doesn't mean you have to have an evil heart", he rolled his eyes.

I rolled my eyes back.
"And it was you who asked me to always stay with you", he reminded me.

"So let's watch a movie or something", he said before I could say anything.

"What's the option of 'or something'? And please actually tell me why are you here? I mean I'm not telling you to go but at least tell me why you're here surprising me?", I confusingly asked.

"Because I'm in love with you.", he sighed.

And I woke up.

"Oh God why?!", I whined as I fell back into my bed.

I checked my phone and it was 03:00 pm.

What the?!

I never sleep in late.

And! 12 MISSED CALLS From Alex.


I called back Alex.

"Hi", I sheepishly said. "Sandra?! What the hell?! Where are you?! Why weren't you answering my calls?!", he worriedly asked.

"Uh I overslept I'm so sorry", I replied.

"Gosh, Sandy I've been so worried.", he sighed.

"Where are you by the way?", I asked.

"I'm out with my friends but you weren't replying so"

"Yeah don't worry okay bye", I sighed.

He hung up the call.

I thought of calling Edward.

"Hey", I said.
"Sa-Sandra?", he asked as he was in full tension. 

"Uh yes what happened Edward?", I confusingly asked.
"Oh nothing. So any plans for today?", he asked.

I got a feeling that he was hiding something.

"who is it Edward?", I heard a female voice.

Edward and another girl......together?

"Edward who's voice was that?", I asked.

" I'm just at my aunt's house. She's sick", he quickly covered it up.

That made my heart fall into my stomach.

I never ever expected him to lie.

Sandra Campbell he is the bad boy who is just nice to you nothing else!
He can do anything he wants!
It's only you who hasn't seen his bad side because every boy has an arrogant, rude side!
Even if they don't show it!

"O-okay", I hung up.


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