30:Shocked and Sorry

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Hi :)


Alex P.O.V

I was woken by the sun streaming through the window.

Where am I?

Shut up Alex you're in your room.

I got up and looked around.

What happened last night?

I tried hard to remember when I felt someone shift beside me.
I turned to look and found Samantha.

I smiled at her.
Maybe this girlfriend would change the player inside me.

She opened her eyes.

"Morning sunshine", I smiled.
"Morning", she muttered.

Unlike other girls, she didn't have messy bed hair or sleepy face. She was still perfect.

Her phone buzzed. She checked it got up wide-eyed.

"OMG! Alex today is mum's doctor appointment and I have to drive her there because I brought the car", she got out and got dressed.

"Bye love", she kissed me and ran out.
I sighed.

"Bye Sammie", I mumbled as I heard the front door shut.

I got up and took a shower and got dressed.

Thankfully there wasn't any mess in the house and the party started and ended in the tent.


Where the hell is Sandra?!

I ran to her room and found it empty.

Where is she?!

Did she got to know that she had cancer?


Again I heard the front door open and shut.

I ran downstairs and stopped dead.

I mean literally dead.

How could this possibly happen?

No it can't happen.

"What is going on here?" I asked Sandra.

"Alex! I found her! She wasn't dead!", Sandra grinned.

I stared at her blank.

"Look you know Andrew? He was my ex- my current boyfriend", she slightly smiled.

Andrew? Yah the guy that was often here a year ago.

I nodded.

"Well when Harps was in the hospital and on her last breath then Andrew came there before us and took her to another doctor which saved Harper! He told me he was sorry not to return her because Harps was family to him he had nobody else except Harper but today I found them", Sandy smiled.

My world stopped.


I fell to my knees and I could feel something wet on my cheeks.

Called tears bro

"H-harps", I muttered.

She ran into my arms.

"Alice I missed you so much!", she smiled.

Yeah Alice


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