25:We still hate you

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"Edward? Are you free this evening?", I asked him as I swallowed the last bite of my pancake.

He was sipping on his mango juice.

"Yeah I am. Why?", he replied.

"Uh I just wanted to talk to you. So can we go to the cafe nearby today?", I asked.

"Sure, 4 sounds good?", i nodded and with that he said his goodbyes and went back to his home.

Alex took his breakfast and sat in front of me.

"So?", he asked.
"So?", I confusingly ask.

"You're going to tell him what?", he rolled his eyes.

"About....Harper", I sighed.

He quickly looked down, not able to look me in the eye.

"Where's my rough and tough guy?", I smiled, trying to cheer him up.

He smiled back and finished his breakfast.

"I want a permission from you", Alex said.
"Yes?", I asked.

"Um can we have a small party at our place this weekend?", he nervously asked.

Party? Here?

"Yeah sure, if and only if the house is just as clean i'm seeing it right now", I allowed.
"done", he grinned.

i didn't want the walls spray painted and the house covered in paper rolls.

"I'll take care of everything that would be needed. Oh and the party will not be here. It would be an outdoor party, he excitedly informed me.

"even better, call me if you need any help", I said.

"Yeah I will. But now I have to go check the office", he said getting up from his seat.

"okay take care"

"Gran?", I called out to our chef who was a sweet old lady.
"Yes dear", she answered.

"Please ask Claire to pile up the dishes", I said.
"Sure", Claire replied.

Claire was the daughter of Gran.

We didn't need people to work for us but they needed the job so mom allowed them.

I went upstairs to my room.

My phone ringed and I answered it.

"Hello?", I said.
"Hey babe", an extremely familiar voice replied.

"A-Andrew?", I curiously asked.
"Yes babe", he replied.

My eyes widened. I didn't have Edward by my side, what response do I give?





"What do you want?", I coldly asked.
"You", he answered.
"Andrew it hurt. And it still hurts. It still hurts that you changed. When I fell in love with you I thought things were falling in place. But no. You proved me wrong. Just one question. Why?", tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

With that I ended the call.

I took a shower and wore black jeans with a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket and left my hair open.

And trust me. The straighteners and curlers here belong to Chloe and Sophia.
I never used them on my own risk.

I took my phone and went to the café.

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