6:Excuse You?

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I opened the car's door and sat inside.

I kept looking on the road, we weren't moving.

I turned to look at Jackson, who was already staring at me, "um?",  I raised an eyebrow.

He cleared his throat, "nothing, you look good"

"...thank you?"

"you're welcome", he nodded and started driving.

I turned on the radio and 'drag me down' was playing. Smiling, I turned up the volume and looked out the window.

But of course, Jackson had to ruin my moment.

He changed the station. I turned to look at him, "excuse you?"

"I don't like that song", he shook his head.

"And no one asked you that", I rose an eyebrow.

"I'm driving so I get to choose the music", he shrugged.

"I didn't ask you to come pick me, I didn't even want to come to your lame party", I rolled my eyes.

"why do you hate me so much?", he tried to hide a smile. Annoying.

"I know an ass*ole when I see one", I smirked.

"Takes one to know one", he smirked back.

I looked at him.

What a jerk.

"Kidding. I'm not that bad trust me, just give me a chance", he kept looking at me.

"for what?", I asked.

"To prove i guess, that I'm not as much of a jerk as you think I am", he shrugged.

"Sure. But if you annoy me anymore, we're done"

"Deal", he nodded and smiled.

I just rolled my eyes for the hundredth time.

I changed the station and put on the song I wanted and turned up the volume.
Out of the corner of my eye I could feel Jackson shake his head in defeat.

I rolled down the window, put my arm on the edge and rest my head on it.

The street lights kept shining on my face one by one as I admired how beautiful the city looked at night.

I could still feel Jackson's eyes on me.

"So Sandra Campbell, you shouldn't have called my party lame, I was known for my parties at my old school", he smirked.

"What a shame you had to come here", I said under my breath.

"So nervous or something, too many people, loud music, bright lights?", he rose an eyebrow, amused.

"Excuse you, I'm the life of the party here. Your party hasn't even started without me yet", I smirked this time.

"If you say so, let's see", he said, surprised.

"Lead the way", I smiled.

We entered his house, which was huge and packed with the whole school. Jackson just came to the school and he was already one of the 'popular ones'.

I was on good terms with almost everyone but liked to keep my distance from the drama.

I high fived many people as I made my way to a small bar. I grabbed whatever was there and gulped it down.

"Woah, are you sure?", Jackson rose an eyebrow.

"I know how to handle myself", I reached to take some more of it and gulped it down.

I took one of those cliche red cups and poured more into it and waved to Jackson and then made my way to the dance floor.

The music was already pumping me up and I started swaying my body along to the beat.

I loved dancing, it made me feel free and happy, of course.

I was having my moment, eyes closed, hands up in the air, when I felt someone circle their arms around me and bring me closer to them.
I turned around and pushed whoever it was. Ruined my mood.

I rolled my eyes and made my way out in the balcony. I felt so suffocated.

"Don't you think you've had enough of that?"

I turned around as Jackson tried to take my cup away. I took it back and took more sips, "clearly not".

"You okay?", he raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah of course I am", I looked away.

He didn't buy it but knew better not to ask again.

The atmosphere was getting awkward for some reason.

"So...do you like cheese?", he asked.
I looked at him for a while and burst out laughing, "really? But yeah I do actually"

"Great, I do too", he smiled.

"I'm so sleepyy", I yawned.
"And I thought you were the life of the party", he held back a grin.

"Yeah but not at lame ones", I shrugged.
He wiped a fake tear away, "you did it again"

I smiled and sat on the floor and he did too, next to me and we just sat there looking at the stars while everyone else spent their time getting wasted inside.

"It looks so beautiful from here, all of the stars lighting up the dark sky, doesn't it? Sandra?"

But I was already sound asleep on his shoulder.


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