18:I Fall Apart

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In 20 minutes we reached the hospital. I ran inside with Edward along.
I found Sophia sitting on a bench, extremely nervous and worried.
But not just Sophia, Jacob, Parker and Chloe were also there.
"What happened?!", I asked Chloe and Sophia

No response
They kept on looking at the ground.

Then I went to Parker and Jacob.
"Tell me what happened?! Why did you guys call me here?!", I was a bit of screaming.

I went back to Sophia.
"Sophia you called me you have to tell me what's going on?!", I was screaming now.
"I-It's your p-parents", she said still looking at the ground.

I stopped dead.

"W-what happened to them?!", I impatiently asked.

No response

"Chloe you tell me what happened to my parents?!", I was furious.
"They-they, p-passed away. They died a few hours ago. In a plane crash", Jacob answered from behind.

M-my p-parents passed away?
No no please tell me I'm dreaming

I was holding Chloe's arm tightly and now I let go of it and was about to collapse on the ground when Edward
held me and brought me back.

"John.. M-my par-parents passed away..?", I asked still not believing.
"I know we all understand. But that's the sad reality Sandra..", he sadly shook his head.

With that I broke into tears.
I was crying so damn hard.

Edward hugged me and I hugged him back crying even more.
The new couples came to comfort me.

"Shh.. Sandra will it look good if our football's captain would cry? We understand what you are feeling please control", Parker and Jacob said patting on my head.

That's it.
I'm alone at my house now..

I kept on crying and Edwards T-shirt was absolutely wet of my tears but he didn't mind.
I left him slowly and hugged Chloe and Sophia hard.
I cried and cried so so much and the last moment I had with mom dad was when they were leaving.

Ohh how much I just miss them!
I wish I was dreaming!

"Contr-rol Sandy please", Chloe said sniffing.
I realised Edward and the couples were also crying.
"Um who is Sandra Campbell?", the nurse came.
I wiped my tears.
"Yes?", I said still sniffing.
"Um dear the bodies of your parents are going to be sent home", she innocently said.
With hearing that your parents bodies are going to be sent home I fell down crying and screaming.

"San-sandy control", Edward said sitting next to me.
"But I I can't I'm left all alone", I said.
"You are not alone we all are with you I am with you", he said putting his hand on my cheek.


The whole school came to my house to attend the funeral even the teachers came.

I was screaming abnormally, crying so hard.
My parents' colleagues also came.

I love you so much Mom Dad


After the funeral everybody went home and me and Edward were left alone in the house.

I was still sniffing slightly.
"Edward?", I asked.
"Yah?", he said with his hand tightly around mine.
"Promise you'll always be with me", I said. "Obviously, promise", he slightly smiled.
"Sandra go to sleep dear", he patted on my head.
I nodded. He helped me get up and took me upstairs.
I saw my parents room and sighed and walked on with Edward along.
He got me in bed and kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight", with that he walked away.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Sorry for the sad events😁
But this was important to happen
Thanks for reading!
-Author :D

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