10:What happened?

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I opened my eyes and found myself on a really uncomfortable bed.

There were typical kind of tiles on the walls and floor of the room.

I tried to get up but a sharp pain occurred in the back of my head and my spine.

A painful moan escaped my lips.

"Hey,hey!", a familiar voice called out.

It was Jackson.

"What happened?", I asked, confused.


I stared at him.

"well...you were in an accident. A truck hit you from behind", he was hesitant to let me know.


I suddenly remembered everything. How I was going to tell him about my feelings and how he told me about his love for another girl.

Chloe rushed in to save me from any further embarrassment, "Oh my God, Sandy how are you feeling now?", she asked me worriedly.

"I literally just woke up", I smiled at her. 

"I'll bring your parents", Jackson said as he went out.

I noticed Chloe looking at me quietly and i turned towards her, "what?"

" I know it's not the right time but what happened with Jackson?", Chloe asked excitedly. 

"He-he's in love with someone else. I didn't tell him", I looked down.

"...I'm going to find her and I'm going to kill her", Chloe replied.

I just smiled and looked away.

"Where's Sophie?", I asked, changing the topic.

"She came here and visited you while you were still unconscious", she replied.

My parents came in and they both gave me a kiss on my cheek.

We were talking about how i got into the accident and the doctor was going on about how i'd been lucky the truck didn't run me over because there was a high possibility of it.

i suddenly felt really dizzy and my vision became blurry with a sharp pain in my head.

i grabbed my head and screamed at the pain.

and one more time, i was taken into darkness.

Thank you for reading!

Story of a TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now