23:Girl power?

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I pulled off my headphones and tugged them in my bag and confidently walked in the school's corridor.

I was wearing a dark denim jeans with a black T-shirt and my hair tied into a messy bun.

I was walking past the three girls and they had their jaws dropped to what they had done to me and how happy I was. I smirked at them and went to my locker.

Edward came to me.
"Hey how's your aunt now?", I smiled.
He was nervous of how he'd lied to me.

"I was not at my aunt's home Sandy I was at-", I interrupted him.

"I-I'm sorry I lied", he asked.

I took my books and closed my locker.
"Save it. I don't care anymore", I smiled and went to class.

I made my way to my usual seat which was at the back. Edward took a seat beside me but when Jacob and Parker saw me the took their seats far from me.

The teacher said she needed to go to the principal's office and left.

"Sandra..I-I I'm sorry I lied to you. I don't even know what made me go to Amy's house", he apologized.

I put in my headphones and put my head down.


"I'm starving hurry up", Alex grumbled from behind.
"You're always starving! We're almost there calm down", I irritatedly replied.
Edward chuckled.

Alex wanted Edward to come so i couldnt really say anything.

"So you and Jackson?", Alex teased.
"What?", I asked.
"You guys dating?", he wiggled his eyes.
"No way! We're just friends Alex!", I quickly covered it.

Alex rolled his eyes.
But Edward seemed disappointed for some reason.

Sandy! Duh! All boys love a pound of makeup! And you're definitely not that!

"Finally!", Alex cheered as he jumped out of the car.

We came to have dinner at some pizza place Alex knew.

"He's childish like you", Edward chuckled.
"Actually no. We're just food addicts.", I corrected him.

We went in and Alex was sitting at the last table.
We made our way to him.

"You guys took forever", Alex complained.
They both started talking about girls and I just started to take a look at the place.

It was actually good.
Filled with warm pizza scent in the air.

I had to go the restroom so i excused myself.

A boy bumped into me. My phone fell to the floor.
"Oops I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming-", I stopped dead when I saw who the boy was.

"Andrew?", I gasped. And for once in forever his eyes turned soft.
He picked my phone.

"Hi baby girl", he smiled.
He had changed. His arms covered in tattoos but he had the same messy black hair and those baby blue eyes.

Then suddenly the thought hit me that what he did to me.
I turned to go back but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Why so fast babe?", he smirked.

Edward? Alex? Somebody?

"Andy-", I accidentally said his nickname by me.
"See you still love me", he said.
"Andrew let me go", I tried to get out of his grip but no use.

"Remember you're mine and I'll come back to get you because you belong to me", he sternly said.

Suddenly someone pushed Andrew and I was released from his grip.

"What did I tell you to stay away from her?!", Edward shouted as he grabbed Andrew's collar.
Andrew punched him.

Oh no this is not gonna end good.

And then I did the most idiotic thing ever. I came in between them and controlled Edward.

"Edward listen to me please leave that idiot behind. You don't have to do this", I pleaded.

I'd never seen Edward this much angry. It was really dangerous.

When he looked at me his gaze turned soft and he nodded.

I rushed out Alex and Edward.
We sat in the car no one dared to speak.

I bit my lip to stop tears from falling.

"I'm sorry.", Edward sighed.
"No please don't be sorry you just defended me", I said.

We went home and I didn't feel like eating so i went to bed, with Edward following along.

"Go to sleep princess", he patted my head.
"Hey don't call me that!", I complained.
He chuckled.

"Okay. Go to sleep tomboy", he said.
I rolled my eyes and went into a dreamy sleep.

Story of a TomboyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang