19:I totally forgot!

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I woke up at 10:30 am. My eyes and throat felt dry. I drank water and got dressed. I was half way down the stairs when I heard someone talking. I quickly came down and found Edward and his parents.

Their attention turned towards me and his mom rushed to me.
She gave me a warm hug, the kind of hug only mothers can give.
"Oh dear Sandra.. I feel so sorry for your loss", She said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

" breakfast is ready on the dining table", Edward said from behind.
"Um no.. Jackson, I don't feel like eating", I said. 

"Sandy you haven't ate a thing from last night-", I interrupted him. 

"Please Jackson.", I didn't mean to sound rude.

I'm so messed up already

His parents sensed the tense atmosphere and said their goodbyes.
"I'm sorry", I said sitting on the sofa. 

But he gave me that smile which made me fall for him.
"Don't you dare say sorry again", he rolled his eyes.

I smiled a little.

"Edward you should be heading home now. You're probably tired and I'm fine now"

"Okay...if that's what you want then okay. Meet me at school?", He asked getting up.

I nodded slowly giving him a smile. 
With that he walked out.

"Oh shit! Ed-Edward my brother Alex is returning from L.A today  his flight must have already arrived we have to pick him", I spoke on the phone to him.

"I'll be right there Sandra", he hung up and reached in five minutes.

In the car I was so tense about how to tell Alex about mom dad.
Edward saw my tensed face and held my hand. He gave me a look saying everything is gonna be okay. I nodded.

In 20 minutes we reached the airport. We both rushed in because we were late. I saw my brother Alex coming out. "Edward", I pointed towards Alex. Edward waved to him and he saw us and came towards us.

"Hi guys-", Alex said and Before he finished I hugged him.
He was shocked for a second but then he hugged me back.
After a while I pulled back.
Alex glared at me with shock his eyes widened.

"Sandy everything okay?", he asked.
I looked at Edward and gave him a how do I tell Alex gaze. He quickly looked to the ground.
"Okay it was just a school trip. are mom dad at home or still in Switzerland?", Alex rolled his eyes.

Alex and I both never wanted mom dad to go. When we were younger we always cried when they were leaving but then we got used to it.

"A-Alex let's go home you must be tired", Edward didn't know how to tell him either.
But Alex didn't move he was stubborn as always.
"Tell me what happened I know something is not right", Alex sternly said.

I sighed and looked at Edward. 

I couldn't do this
I couldn't spoil my brother's smile

 I don't know how we'll handle him when he'll know that the funeral was held without him..
He wasn't even informed.

Sandra how can you forget to tell Alex?!

I finally decided to tell him

Yeah and pay the consequences

"A-Alex m-mom d-dad.. They..they..", I was rudely interrupted by Alex
"Oh come on now blurt it out", he rolled his eyes.

I wish it was that easy to blurt it out 

"Ale-Alex mom d-dad ... They... They are no more", I said as a teardrop came out.

Alex was stunned his blank face full of confusion, tension.

"What-what do you mean they're no more?", he worriedly said.
"Mom dad are dead Alex, their plane crashed. I didn't inform you because you couldn't come back early and you wouldn't have concentrated on your exams", I say.

"When?", he asked. "2 days ago", I answered.

Edward patted on Alex's arm.
And for the first time in forever
Wait that sounded like Anna from Frozen

Shut up Sandra

For the first time Alex hugged someone, Edward. 

Alex sighed and picked his bag and motioned to move on.

Alex and Edward got in the front seats and I sat in the back seat.

"Sandy?", Alex said. "Y-yes", I replied. 

"Will we really manage to live without them?", he asked fiddling with his fingers.
"We don't have a choice", i replied in a low voice.

"hey, you're not alone okay?",Edward tried his best to comfort us.

I nodded and looked out the window.

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