5:What The Hell Is This?

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"What the hell is this?", I asked, confused.

It was a very weird piece of clothing. Chloe turned around, looked at what i was holding and laughed to herself, "how do you not know what that is?"

"But...it's so thin, how do you guys wear these things? It just looks so uncomfortable", I shuddered and threw the underwear away from me.

"This is so boring, I wanna go home", I whined.

So I was sitting in the middle of a huge pile of clothes on the floor and watched Chloe get ready.

"How long is it going to take you?", I whined, again, trying to get up.

There was another weird thing I had never seen before, on her dresser, I picked it up, "what is this for?"

"If you keep distracting me like that it's going to take me double the amount of time to get ready. And that is an eyelash curler", she went back to applying the hundredth coat of that bright red lipstick.

Eyelash curler huh

I placed my eyelashes between it and squeezed it hard.


"Son of a!-", I shouted as I tried to get my eyelashes out of it.

Chloe rushed to help me.

"What are you doing I already applied some mascara on your lashes which made them stick to the curler! Hold on now", she yelled at me as she tried to help without ripping off all of my lashes.

She finally saved my eyelashes and I quietly went and sat on her bed, waiting for her to finish getting ready.

Never doing anything like that again.


"So Sophie already left with Jacob and Parker is coming to pick me-"

"Wait, when did that happen?", I raised an eyebrow.

"It did okay, they asked us out", she rolled her eyes and tried to not blush.

"Well I'm not interfering so I won't come with you", I shrugged.

"Don't be silly, you need a ride", she crossed her arms.

"I am not going to be third wheeling even if its just for a short ride", I crossed my arms too.

"Sandy", she rose an eyebrow this time.

"Chloe", I did too.

"Fine then, call Jackson and tell him you can't come", she shrugged.

"Will do", I smiled and called him right away.

"Hey Jackson, I'm sorry but I can't make it tonight, I don't have a ride"

There was a lot of noise in the background and he was shouting at the top of his lungs, "no problem Sandra, wait I'm coming to pick you"

"Wait no-" beep beep beep.

Chloe laughed, ruffled my hair and left with Parker who was waiting outside.

"I'll get you back for doing this!", I called after her.


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