21:My life turns upside down

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"Hey", I said to Chloe on the phone.
"Hi! What's up? Coming to the party?", Chloe excitedly asked. 

"Party? Which party?", I confusingly asked.
"Don't tell me you do not know about the party at Brittney's place?", Chloe said shocked.
" You guys go I'll stay back. You know why", I replied.
"Oh when did you become so mature I remember the Sandy who used to party hard", she argued. "You know why I'm staying back", I argued back.
"No I don't", she declared.

"... Chloe you know drunk Sandy is not a good idea." I stated.
"Oh come on! You're going and that's final!", she commanded.
"Chloe....okay count on me", I sighed.
"Thank you", she squealed in happiness.

We ended the call.  I know Chloe doesn't want to leave me alone that's why she told me to come to lighten my mood.

It's been two weeks after the dinner at Edward's house which was pretty good.
That means two months have passed since the incident. 

There was a knock on my door.

"W-who is it?", I asked. "Open the door!"Alex replied.

"Hi", Alex smiled.

 "Hey?", I dumbly replied.

 I was shocked to see my brother Alex Evans. Yeah Evans because Campbell was mom's last name so it came after me and Evans was dad's last name so it came after Alex.
So I was shocked to see Alex Evans having spare time to come up to his sister's room and say 'hi'. 

"You coming to the party?", he asked as he went in. I closed the door. 

"Chloe insisted that's why", I replied. 

"So this is what your room actually looks like", he said looking around.

"You're coming too?", I asked.

 "who isn't? I need to have a good time", he smirked.

"Gross", I made a face. 

"I don't understand this. Eleanor is your girlfriend and you're still asking for good nights with other girls.", I confusingly said.
"It's not like tha-", Alex was interrupted by his phone which started ringing.

"Hi babe", he answered it. "Now? Really? I would love to, yeah hold it I'll be there in a minute", he excitedly replied.
"Who was it?", I asked. 

 he smirked.
I gagged.

He rushed downstairs.
I followed him because I wanted to watch some television.

Alex ran outside and I jumped on the sofa and turned on the television.
 One Direction was going to come in iCarly today!
I know it's a really old episode but i love it.

I was enjoying the show when I looked towards the door and Eleanor and Alex were sucking their faces off.

I quickly turned my gaze towards the television. They went upstairs.

The door opened again after a while and all my friends came in one after another.

"um guys there's something known as a knock or like a doorbell which is right outside", I kept a straight face.

"yeah yeah whatever"

I laughed as Sophia and Chloe dragged me towards my room.

they made me sit down on the stool in front of my mirror.
I was wearing a dark royal blue short dress and my hair straightened.

"Guys I think I'll wear the new T-shirt I bought-", I was interrupted.
"You're wearing this dress", Sophie commanded.

I made a 'meh' look.
They gave me a makeover. They called it 'black smokey eyes with light peach lipstick'.

It was looking good though 

"Are we rea-", Edward stopped when he looked at me as I went down stairs.

He rubbed his eyes again and again.
"What?", I asked. 

"You-Are you sure you're Sandra Campbell?", he asked. 

"don't over react", I rolled my eyes as I took out a water bottle from the refrigerator.

"Stop", Chloe and Sophie said in unison.
"What happened now?", I asked.
"You can't drink water your lipstick will be spoiled", Sophia said.

"Oh come on!", I said a I put the water back.
"Let's go", Jacob said.

I locked the house and was about to sit in Alex's car when he stopped me.

"Eleanor is coming with me to the party", he innocently said.

Typical Alex Evans.
Show off!

I sighed as I went to Edward's car.

"Do you have any girl going with you or can I go with you?", I hopefully asked.
"Oh yeah sure you can come with me", he smiled.
I sighed and got in the car.

"Typical Alex Evans. Always having million girls with him.", I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled.
"Okay so. Edward if I get drunk and say something silly just ignore it", I worriedly said having a fear that I would tell Edward about my feelings.


"Hey!", I called out to Chloe and Sophie whom I saw outside the mall.
"How was last night's party?", they both asked me.

I got a feeling that they were unhappy because of some reason.

"Oh it went really good", I smiled putting my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

"Oh yeah it would obviously be good after you spent the night with my boyfriend", Chloe said crossing her arms.

"What do you mea-", Sophie cut me half way.
"Oh you know what we mean, how you got Parker drunk and had 'fun' with them", Sophia said.

I was so shocked.
How could they?!

"And the worst thing is that we heard it from Eleanor, you really hurt me Sandra", Chloe pointed towards Eleanor who was re-applying her lipstick.

She smirked at me.

I felt my eyes tear up.
"You think that girl who came in your life yesterday actually cares and you're leaving me who you've known for 5 years", I said in a low tone.
They didn't reply.

"Guys if you don't want to be friends with me it's okay but I won't let any body else destroy you. You don't know about Eleanor trust me.", I said as more tears came out.
"Shut up okay? You're saying as if  Eleanor has committed a crime or something. Look at yourself, what even are you anymore?", Chloe threw it on my face.

If only they knew.

With that they went off with Eleanor.

This is just the first step Eleanor took for revenge. 

I could say that what proof do they have that I slept with Parker but it was too late now.

I started my car and drove off home.

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