9:Stay with me

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"Hey Jackson", I said on the phone. 

"Hi Sandy, what's up?", Jackson asked. 

"not much but i was wondering if we could meet up..?", I asked him nervously. 

"wait, who are you and what have you done to Sandra? I clearly remember you hating my guts for no particular reason", he sounded surprised.

"don't get on my nerves, i asked you something", i rolled my eyes.

"Sure, at the park, 06:00pm?", Jackson asked.

"Okay", I replied.

Okay relax Sandra. Don't be nervous relax. 

I took out a plain grey T-shirt and denim jeans, and black leather jacket, in case of rain, because it was windy outside. 

I dressed and opened my thick, blonde hair.

 It was 05:57pm so I went to the park.

Jackson was sitting on the bench and walked towards me when he saw me.

 He was wearing a blue shirt with denim jeans, looking gorgeous as always.

 Woah.. Felt weird thinking that.

"Hey!", he said.

 "Hii", I smiled at him. 

We sat on the bench and the wind was probably making my hair look awful but whatever.

"So....I wanted to tell you something", I nervously said. 

"Woah...coincidence me too", he smiled.


"You first", I said.

 My heart was going to explode.

"So..I-I met this girl and I loved her from the first day I saw her...what do you say, should I tell her?", Jackson told me.

That's it. 

Sandra Campbell?! Jackson is your friend nothing else. You don't even know him properly.

I looked in his eyes blankly, then cleared my throat.

"Y-y..yes, you should tell her, before it's too late", I forced a smile on my face.

 "I-I should be going my mother told me to come home early,bye", I said. 

I got up and started walking.

 "Hey Sandra wait up!", Jackson called out from behind me.

I felt something wet on my cheeks and realised i was crying.

wow, this boy got me messed up.

 I was crossing the road, my vision slightly blurry.. when suddenly something hit me hard.

my body hit hard, real hard, against another car.

 And i soon found myself lying on the road and everything was getting blurry..

 All I could hear were the horns of vehicles and Jackson.

He took me in his arms and frantically searched my eyes for any emotion, the worry and panic evident on his face.

"Sandra..Sandra open your eyes, Sandra! Stay with me please", John pleaded. 

I smiled and spoke, "i'm not even going anywhere what are you on about?"

i don't know why it was getting difficult to see, my vision was getting darker every second.

"Jackson...why does it hurt so much? what's going on?", i managed to speak.

"i promise it'll all be over soon and you'll be perfectly fine i just need you to hold on, alright?", he caressed my cheek.

But my body felt like collapsing, even if i was already lying down and the pain came in short pauses, each time with a greater intensity.

i looked at the beautiful grey sky above me as my body finally gave up on the pain and my eyes started closing slowly and i soon passed out, lying in Jackson's arms and the last thing i heard was him screaming, "somebody call an ambulance!"


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