4: Chloe I swear to God!-

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"I wanna know more about him!", Chloe whined.

"There is nothing to know really I've told you all I knew Chloe", i took a sip from my shake and rolled my eyes.

"Why do you seem so irritated?", Sophia asked, confused.

"Because Sophie, our tomboy here does not take any interest in guys, remember?", Chloe was trying to get on my nerves.

"It's not that Sophie I just like a drama free life because let's say if i get close to Jackson, then his girlfriend probably or some psycho ex will come after me and try to make my life a living hell and blah blah blah, i'm not up for that sorry. And i am not a tomboy, that irritates me more than anything", I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time.

"I live for drama", Sophia looked up at the ceiling and sighed and I just quietly laughed while she had a 'moment' with herself.

And then out of nowhere the most unexpected thing happened, Jackson came to our table with two other guys, Jacob and Parker. They were one of the 'popular guys', you know what I mean.

Chloe and Sophia, both of whom spent most of their time drooling over 'hot' guys looked at each other, at me and then back at them.

"Hey Sandra", Jackson smiled at me.

"what are you doing here?", I asked, straightforward as ever.

Chloe shoved me with her elbow and smiled at him.

"Ouch!", I glared at her.

"well, i'm throwing a party this evening and i think you guys should come", he put his arms on the table and looked at me.

"and why do you think-" another shove from Chloe.

"Chloe I swear to God!-"

"of course we'll be there", she replied.

Jackson continued to look at me and just smiled to himself.

"There's no way you're going to finish this anyways" Jacob said as he took my lunch.

Oh boy.

He did not.

I reached across the table and snatched it back, "Sandra doesn't share food!"

I yelled a bit too loud, I think.

Jackson couldn't stop laughing as he asked, "did you just quote-"

"Yes I did. Because it's true. Chloe said they'll come, nice to meet you then", I gave up on hiding my annoyance.

"You're coming too and I'll see you there", he did the mock salute this time and got up to leave.

But not before Jacob took a fry from my tray and ran away.

I took deep breaths and tried to keep my calm.

I turned to look at Sophia, "now you get what I was saying?"


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