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Two weeks later, Dinah was working back at school and I was stuck being a barista for ten straight hours of my life every week day.

It wasn't bad. I made $10.50 an hour, plus tips. Not to mention the fact that my co-workers and manager are people that just goof around all the time.

Although, I just hated being around coffee now. I didn't think it would ever be possible but that smell of roasted coffee beans now makes me want to punch a wall. It's ridiculous.

But today would be the first day that I'd get my pay check so I was very excited about how much I'd be getting.

My first plan is to take Dinah out to an amazing dinner and then we'll go to the mall and I'll spoil her a little bit. Or a lot. I'm sure she'll want to be spoiled more than I can imagine which I'm completely fine with.

"Y/N!" Randy, my coworker, yelled out to me while he was cleaning one of the tables. He was probably the laziest person in the world and he trained me. "There's a customer. Will you do the honors, newbie?"

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes at his mocks and went to the counter to assist the costumer. "Hey there. What can I get for you today?"

"Can I get mocha frappecino with extra whipped cream." The gray- haired lady said with an almost angry voice.

I kept my fake smile and wrote down on the cup. "And your name is?"

"Does it even matter? I'll be right here." The lady bit at me.

You need this job, Y/N. Just two more hours.

I just glared at the lady and turned away to go to the machine close by. I pressed the buttons like I learned in orientation. The machine started up and made a few loud sounds before I pulled down on the lever.

It made a sharp clunking noise for a moment before it started spewing coffee everywhere.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath trying to stop the coffee machine but it kept spewing out the brewed mix of coffee beans and water. The machine sprayed me in a warm layer of coffee and leaked everywhere.

The machine finally stopped but only when the manager came around with the the plug in her hand.

"Sara," I begged her, "You gotta believe me. This was a complete accident."

Sara shook her head, "Get out of my shop."


"Now! Pick up your first and last check at seven." She bit at me angrily.

I took off my apron and threw it down on the ground in a puddle of coffee.

I wasn't as mad as I was scared of what Dinah would say. I didn't mean to fuck up my first job but I could've sworn I did what I was supposed to do in there.


After taking a long shower and getting into some new clothes, I tapped my foot nervously just waiting for my girlfriend to arrive home.

I curled up in a cover and just left myself alone with my thoughts.

How am I going to tell her I got fired on my first week? Who the hell gets fired on their first week? God. I'm an idiot.

Soon enough, Dinah walked in with an exhausted look on her face. She kicked off her shoes to the side and threw her bag on the ground.

"Hey babe." I turned off the TV that was playing mindlessly without my attention. Dinah rolled her eyes and collapsed onto the couch with her face pressed up against my crotch. "Woah." I teased. "Save some of that sexual tension for later, Ms. Hansen."

Dinah smirked and crawled up my body to lay her head on my chest, "I'm so tired. We had two fire drills because the kids kept pulling the alarms. Then I had to break up a fight in school. I'm so annoyed."

"Your tall Poly ass probably scared those kids." I laughed, messing with a few strands of hair that had escaped her pony tail.

"Shut up." Dinah giggled lightly into my chest. "So, how was work?"

I clenched my jaw, "It was okay. But um-" I don't want to tell her. "Baby there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Can we do it after I take my shower?" Dinah wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my nose. I looked down at her and smiled. I can't lie to her. I'll have to tell her the truth.

"Yeah, of course. And I have to go by the shop and pick up my check. Then I'll cash it and take you out somewhere nice." I smirked.

Dinah's eyes left mine and looked at my lips before she connected them together fully. She moved hers against mine perfectly until she pulled away.

"Lemme take my shower and get all prettied up for you." Dinah whispered as her hand trailed down to mess with the band of my jeans, "Then tonight we can spend our weekend together on this couch or in the bedroom."

"In the kitchen?" I smirked down at her.

"Whatever you want, mama." Dinah laughed softly to roll off of me. She pulled her phone out of her bra and chucked it at me once she stood up, "And will you put this on to charge? Mom should be calling soon."

I nodded and went over to the outlet on the wall to plug up her phone.

As soon as she left, the stress and anxiety started eating me alive.

How the fuck am I going to tell this beautiful woman that I got fired? What if she gets so mad that she kicks me out?

I can just tell her that I'll get another job.

Yeah. That's what I'll do. I'll just look for a new job. 

Fifteen minutes of staring at the TV screen to wait for Dinah, her phone went off.

"Dinah!" I yelled out but I could hear the shower going so there'd be no chance of her hearing me.

I walked over to her phone and just as I was about to silence it, it said work.

Why not answer it? It could be important.

"Hello?" I said to the receiver.

"Hi, there. Ms. Hansen?"

I cleared my throat and smirked, "Sure."

"Okay, so here's the thing. George Fawkes, the history teacher, kicked the bucket today which is why he wasn't at school and you had to fill in for his last class." The man said over the phone.

So blunt. I like this school administration. "Oh, God. That's so terrible." I tried to sound like I was a concerned Dinah.

"Not really." The man laughed. "He was a raging alcoholic with a huge temper. I'm kinda glad."

"Well, okay." I widened my eyes.

He cleared his throat and continued, "Do you know anyone that can sub in for him? He had lesson plans and everything set up for the rest of the year. We just need a body to fill the seat until we can find a proper replacement."

This is it. This could be my shot at a new job that way I don't lose Dinah like I'm scared I will.

"Uh-um, yeah. Lemme look up a name really quick." I pretended to fumble through some papers, "Call Y/F/N Y/L/N." My Dinah impression was actually spot on as I gave him my information.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Hansen. You really helped us out." He responded before hanging up the call.

I locked her phone back and did a little dance before finally calming down and taking my seat back at the couch.

Fuck the coffee shop. Guess who's coming back to school?



I know it's weird that Dinah is a English teacher but I was gonna make her a history teacher at first. the problem with that is that I don't know much about history so this book will be a challenge lmao


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