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"Dinah, calm down." Y/N said as I figited in the passenger seat next to her. "You act like I'm taking you to a concentration camp."

In fact, she was. Actually, we were meeting her parents for lunch at some big restaurant.

I don't know why I was so nervous about all of this or why I was so against meeting her parents. In any situation it's scary to meet the person who birthed your true love. You worry that they won't like you or they'll like you so much that they'll start asking about weddings and babies. I like to stay away from all of that because it's not in my comfort zone.

I messed with my fingers in my lap and stared out of the windshield as we turned down another road. Y/N reached over the console to grab one of my hands and squeeze it tightly. With a quick glimpse she smiled over at me, "They will love you."

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously before asking a question that I didn't really want to know the answer to. "Do they know?"

"Know what?"

"How we met?"

Y/N turned on her turn signal and stopped at a stop sign to wait for another car to pass before turning. "The bar?"

"No, the school."

"Oh." She sighed out, turning the corner to head onto a busier street. "No. They don't know about that. I'm sure it wouldn't be the best thing to tell them over the phone."

"Yeah. You're right." I put my hand on the door of the car and clicked my newly manicured nails against the handle.

"Just calm down." She glimpsed over her shoulder to look at me before turning into a parking lot.

As the car came to a complete stop. Y/N turned the car off and turned towards me to sit her hands in her lap. "You'll do great. I mean it. They will love you."

She kissed my cheek quickly before opening her door and stepping out to push down her outfit so she would look presentable.

I tried to pull the door open but she started to haul ass to my door before I could get it open. "Stop!" She exclaimed until she finally put her hand on he handle to pull it open. "Now let's go."

"I thought I was daddy. Now you're treating me like the gentleman." I joked without thinking.

A mischievous smirk formed on Y/an's face as she looked me over, "Well, I could start calling you that."

"Don't even think about it." I growled taking her hand that she held out to help me out of the car.

Hand in hand, we walked into the restaurant to see a hostess about twenty five with brunette hair that was stacking menus together. When she noticed we walked through the door, she pulled out two menus and smiled, "Would a booth or table be better?"

Before I could answer, Y/N's mom screeched from across the restaurant, "My baby!"

"Oh god." She groaned under her breath before directing her attention to the hostess, "Their table will do fine."

As we walked over to the table with the hostess trailing behind us, her Mom waited patiently until we were within arms reach of her.

"My daughter." She exclaimed pulling in Y/N by her neck into a rough hug that I'm sure she almost lost her breath in. "You look so different."

She turned her head to me and asked, "Why the hell does every one say that?" She quickly let it go and took a big breath before pulling me up towards the table. "Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Dinah."

After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now