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My second hour class was doing their work properly and goofing off as usual. I didn't mind it. I told them that as long as they turned in good papers, they could do whatever they wanted to.

In the middle of grading some papers with the answer key, I looked over the students in the room.

They all had group they were conversing and laughing in. Well, all except Sabrina who had her nose pressed into a book and her mind in another world. I actually enjoyed seeing that. Growing up with dyslexia, it was so hard to have fun reading. Lauren and Camila always did it but it honestly made no sense to me. I guess it was because the words were so jumbled up in my brain that I was never able to create my own world in a story.

That's why I wanted to write, though. It was a quiet dream of mine because I had so many great ideas and thoughts but I was never able to properly put it down on paper. That's why I quickly gave up and moved on.

Soon into a moment of looking over Sabrina, Trevor began flicking paper footballs at the girl and cheering as they hit her or her book. At first, Sabrina didn't mind. She just kept reading until one of the footballs hit her hand causing her to fumble with her book and get aggrevated.

"Quit it!" I yelled out.

"Or what?" Trevor challenged me with a raised brow making everyone 'oo'.

I smirked at the boy in the back, "Listen kid. I know you're a Daddy's boy. How embarrassing would it be if I called him up here to yell at you in front of all your friends?" His face turned soft. "That's what I thought. Now go over there, pick up the papers, and say sorry to Sabrina."

Trevor slouched out of his seat to collect the papers that were scattered around the girl then told her quietly, "Sorry."

The final bell rang and kids started to pack up. As each person filed out, I noticed the shy girl struggling with putting her binder into her bag.

I got up from my desk and hurried over to her. "Here, lemme help."

I yanked the binder out that was put in half way to move a few things around and finally push it into place perfectly.

"Thanks." She replied happily.

As she started walking out the door I stopped her, "Wait." Her blonde hair flipped back as she turned to look at me. I pushed my hair out of my face nervously as I walked up to her, "Look, I know it isn't cool having a teacher stand up for you or anything. But I just have a question." She nodded. "Why do you let them do that to you? Between you and I, I would've had these bitches on the floor with my foot to their face."

She chuckled lightly, "I just don't want to fight about it. It's just one year and that's all. Plus, I know the reason they're doing all of this."

"And that is?"

Sabrina clutched her book close to her person and smiled happily, "Because I actually have a future when I get out of here. Unlike them. They're full of 'what ifs', but I know exactly what I'm going to do and how I'll be successful."

The bell rang and she looked worried, "Don't sweat it. I'll write you a pass."

She genuinely seemed happy that I was even speaking to her which was nice.

I walked over to my desk to grab a pen and a slip of paper to write on it with my
sloppy cursive.

"What class do you have next?"


That's when a fiendish thought came to my mind. "Well, I don't have a third hour class. How about I take you over there myself? I actually need to have a word with Ms. Hansen."

After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now