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Kids had piled in and the last bell had rang. The famous bell that I usually would miss in my school days.

The students for this period were seniors so I knew I would have some rebellion yet a bit of respect from a few students.

I cleared my throat and the class shut up quickly which was a huge surprise.

"Hi there. I'm your new sub and my name is Ms. Y/L/N. I guess I can explain myself although I don't know how long I'll be here." I chewed on my bottom lip and calmly walked to the edge of my desk. "I graduated only a year ago so I'm basically the same age as you so I'm hoping you'll respect me in a way as if we can relate. I grew up in Santa Ana, California and decided to make the most of it here in Seattle. There's not much to go by yet so if any of you have some questions... go ahead."

A few hands shot up and I decided to just call out people.

"Yeah, you with the green shirt. What's your name?" I laughed causing the other kids to laugh with me.

"Jake." He smiled cheekily, "But is being a teacher what you wanna do?"

"Are you kidding?" I laughed hysterically, "I was a goof off for twelve years so no. But money is money." Another girl held up her hand with a pencil clutched in the other, "Yeah." I called on her.

"I'm Juliana." She smiled, "So, what happened to Mr. Fawkes? I mean, I'm happy he's gone but I'm just curious."

I bit on my lip and looked back at the board for a moment, "He, uh, kicked the bucket." Kids shifted their heads left and right before cheering which honestly scared the shit out of me. How could people be so cruel? Then Mr. Robin came to my mind and I understood their happiness quickly. "Okay, settle down." They finally all quieted down. "Okay, one last question before I start the lesson."

A boy in the back with a Lakers jersey raised his hand with a confident smile and I called on him. "Sup, I'm Trevor." Fuck. This kid. "So, are you single since you're our age."

Everyone yelled out and giggled until I answered, "No I am not single."

Guys groaned across the classroom which made me smirk slightly as I turned around to grab the folder with today's date on it and a list of names, "Sabrina?" I said then looking up to see a sheepish small, blonde girl pop her head up from her book. "Can you please pass these papers out for me?" She nodded with a half-smile before getting up. She was younger than the rest of the kids, I could tell. Even though her fashion sense was quite sophisticated and made up of a navy green army jacket, ripped jeans, and a short shirt, she couldn't have been more than fifteen, and she seemed very out of place.

I turned around to sit down at the desk and read over the lesson plan while Sabrina passed out the papers. Recently, Dinah has helped me with my dyslexia and I can read a lot better than I used to, so that's a blessing.

I looked up to see kids chucking papers at the blonde girl and she just ignored the threats, "Hey!" I said in a stern voice, "While I'm the head of this class, there will be no tolerance for bullying. Do you understand?" Everyone straightened up as Sabrina finished passing papers out. When she handed them to me, she gave me this look almost as if she was thanking me from saving her. I'm sure this was the first time someone had even spoke up, which is a shame.


Finally my first three periods of adolecents were over and lunch had begun, but I didnt know where to go so I stayed in my room until I got a text from Dinah.

Dinah: where are you, babe?

Y/N: I don't know where to go.

Dinah: lmao ill come get you

Y/N: aye aye cap'n.

The door opened three minutes later, and Dinah popped her head in, "Come on, hun."

I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my pocket before following her out into the hall and keeping my distance from her. It's not that she asked me to but I didn't want to be all over her in the work place even slightly. I put my hands in my pockets and trekked into the elevator with her.

"You're being unreasonably quiet." Dinah laughed as we watched the elevators close, "Long day?"

I shook my head, "Nah, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"There's this one girl in my class. Her name is Sabrina-"

"We don't date students." Hansen bit at me.

"I'm not gonna date her, Jesus." I groaned, "Can you let me finish?" Dinah got quiet. "She was being bullied in my class today and she looked really thankful when I stood up for her. I don't know, it just kinda got to me."

"Aw, babe." Dinah leaned in to kiss my cheek, "I'm sure she was. What's her last name?"

"Carpenter, I think."

"Oh, yeah. I know her." Dinah licked over her lips as the elevator dinged and the doors opened back up, "She's in my third hour. She's a wiz kid. She's skipped from eighth grade straight into being a senior. Her father was a nobel prize winner or something." We began walking down a hallway as she continued to give me more information, "But I know what you mean. I always have to make some kid shut up when she talks because she's so quiet. Or people will throw shit at her and she'll take it. I mean if it was me, I would've gave those bitches a Poly beat down by now. But she's a nice girl so I'm sure she'd rather stay out of fights."

"Yeah," I smiled thinking about Dinah getting into fights. "So, are you coming home after school or do you have to stay?"

Dinah pulled on the handle and made her thinking face for a second, "I may have to stay to grade a few papers but I'll be home soon."

I walked into the faculty lounge which was fitted with couches, tables, vending machines, and every other teacher neccessity you could think off. Many older women and men scrambled to difference areas but my eyes caught a man's who was at a table eating some ramen. Coach Tandy waved us over and I made my way to that table with Dinah following close behind.




After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now