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It was finally Thanksgiving break which meant that Dinah and I could head off and spend a week with our family and friends in California. I'm really hoping this will be good for Dinah because her headaches have seemingly got worse even though she won't admit it. She always cringes when a light is too bright. Or she has to turn the TV down because it gets extremely painful for her to listen to it even if it's just at twelve percent. I'm hoping that the lack of stress will help her get back to normal.

Dinah promised her family she'd meet up with them first and kissed me goodbye to take the first cab we saw. I honestly insisted she'd take it because I knew the sooner she was surrounded by her family, the happier she'd be.

As I stood on the sidewalk waiting for another cab to drive up, I heard loud girlish shrieks echo through the airport. I turned around to see four of my closest friend's speeding after me in a group mob.

I cringed at the sight and waited to me flung around into a huge group hug with some mutters and whispers full of 'I love you', 'we missed you' and 'damn, you're never leaving again'.

"Guys!" Lauren yelled out, "Give her some space." They all pulled away and Lauren rushed into a hug with me and I felt the absolute love and warmth see off of her. "I deserve the first hug."

Normani eventually yanked the younger girl off so she could take her spot in a hug with me. Soon Ally and Camila did the same until finally they all pulled away to look over me in amazement.

"What?" I asked feeling a slight sense of vulnerabitlity.

"You've changed." Normani smirked.

"Like a bad changed? Literally the only new thing I do is use a new conditioner. Actually it's Dinah's conditioner but don't tell her I use it." I brushed my hair over to the side nervously.

The girls shared a similar look of mischief which made me even more confused about what was going on.

"It's a good changed. Don't worry." Lauren smirked, grabbing my hand and Camila grabbed my other one. "Now, let's all go back to my place and reunite properly."


I laid back on Lauren's couch, in the small apartment Mike and Clara got for her, and finally felt a wave of relief from dealing with that long trip up here.

"So, tell us all about Seattle." Ally exclaimed, leaning against Normani, which was a sight to see.

"There's lots of coffee, a lake or two, and a giant structure shaped like a needle." I joked, propping myself up by the arm of the couch.

"That's boring." Normani groaned, "Tell us about Ms. Hansen."

"Yas! I've been waiting for this part ever since we picked you up." Camila gushed, laying her hand on my arm and squeezing excitedly.

"Ow!" I whined, prying her hands off. "That was a half hour ago."

"Quit stalling and tell us." Lauren groaned.

"Hansen and I are..." I thought about it for a moment. Although, her and I have our differences, there's nothing really wrong with our relationship. She loves me and I love her. "Great."

"Great? That's all we get?" Normani whined, "Tell us about the sex."

"What about it?"

"Do you have sex?" Normani questioned dumbly and Ally smacked her arm, making the darker girl straighten up

"I mean, of course." I awkwardly admitted.

"Is it good?" Lauren smirked fiendishly from the end of the couch.

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