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"You sure you don't want to come with me to my chemistry lecture?" Lauren asked, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. "The girls want to meet up at lunch and I'm sure they'd love to see you."

I turned over in her bed and shook my head as my hands laid beside the pillow. All I could do was stare at the wall and feel the numbness of the situation take over me. Last night I did nothing but cry in Lauren's arms, and now all I want to do is lay here and forget what I did.

I can't believe I just left her there. Who am I anymore?

Lauren nudged my body slightly, "Mama, did you hear me?" I nodded, and she placed her hands on the covers that were laid around my waist. She pulled the sheets up to my shoulders and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "I'll be back in no time, Mija."

I heard her shuffle a few papers before picking up her things and walking out of the bedroom.

I fell asleep and about two hours later my phone went off. It was a text notification and I expected it to be Lauren, but sadly it wasn't.

Baby Jane: honey, please talk to me. I just got my phone back and I really want to have a conversation about this.

I didn't really want to respond but I can't let her go. I love her and have a slight regret for what I did last night.

Y/N: let's talk then

Baby Jane: baby girl, I love you so so so much. no matter what my mom says I want to be with you

Y/N: are you sure?

Baby Jane: I'm positive

Y/N: well, I want to be with you too

Baby Jane: then we will

Baby Jane: next month.

Y/N: what do you mean by 'next month'?

Baby Jane: mom is taking care of me until the end of December and then we can go back to Seattle together.

Y/N: so you think my ass is just gonna sit here patiently to wait on you forever while your mom tells you that you were wrong for loving some girl while she spoon feeds you soup?

Dinah: yeah. I do. are you saying you won't wait for me?

Y/N: that's not what I'm saying at all, D. what I'm saying is that I love you but I don't want to hide anymore. I don't want you to play pretend to your family that we are through when we aren't. that's what got us into this mess in the first place. all this hiding isn't healthy.

Baby Jane: you dont think I don't know that? I'm the one in this gotttdamn hospital bed. 😒

Y/N: that's your fault. no one told you to lie in Seattle and I told you to see a doctor but you never listen to me.

Baby Jane: let's not get into this

Y/N: then when will this talk happen, Ms. Hansen? a month later when I'm wrapped around your finger again?

Baby Jane: don't call me that. we aren't in class or fucking in my bed.

Y/N: 😒 over it. I need to know about us, D. Am I really worth it at this point?

After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now