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I woke up the next morning and noticed that Lauren was latched onto me like she used to do. Her leg was over mine, her arm was around my torso, and her face was pressed into my chest. She was so gentle when she was asleep. It was sweet. I didn't really want to wake her up since she seemed so at peace so I buried my face in her hair until I was able to go back to sleep.

An hour or two later, Lauren finally woke up and yawned into my skin. She made this slight squeak before raising her glance to meet mine. "Mm Morning."

"Morning, Laur." I responded, brushing my fingers through her hair for a moment so that I could push the thick, messy strands out of her face.

"It's been forever since I got to do this." Lauren responded, snuggling as close as she could so that our bodies were pressed up against each other.

"Do what?"

"Cuddle." Lauren giggled like a child. "Not to knock my girlfriend, but she's not a good cuddler like you."

"I'm gonna tell her you said that."

"Don't you dare." She growled, leaning her chin on my chest to keep her eyes attached to mine. "I missed you so much, Mija."

"I missed you too, Laur." I smirked.

Lauren finally pulled away after a very long linger and sat up on the side of the bed to stretch her muscles with a loud yawn. Afterwards, she turned her head to me and smiled, "Go brush your teeth and we will go to Mom and Dad's house for some breakfast."

"I better get the big pancake." I yawned, sitting up to rub the sleep out of my eyes.


We didn't bother getting out of our pajamas since it was only eight in the morning.

Lauren was speeding down the street to get into a residential area that was more than familiar to me.

"So, while you were asleep," Lauren turned down the music on the radio to speak to me. "I called Dinah off of your phone."

"Oh fuck. Are you serious, Laur?" I groaned, face palming myself for forgetting to put a passcode on my phone before coming back around the girls. They're all so nosy. They always have been.

Lauren smirked fiendishly and nodded, "Yes and I wanted to make sure she was coming tonight."

"Oh yeah. And what did she say?"

"She said she was and that she was nervous but excited to meet us all." Lauren continued, "She sounds nicer than when she was our teacher. I'm guessing you're giving her that good pussy so you can lighten her mood."

"Ew. Just stop." I groaned which made Lauren laugh almost uncontrollably.

"Normani calls it the 'pussy pop' effect. She does it to Ally just so she can go to keggers during the weekend without being nagged." Lauren further explained even though she knew I didn't want to hear anything else.

"I hate you." I whined. "I don't want to know if Ally's pussy pops. Okay?"

"It pops severely." Lauren giggled.

"I will open this door and roll out of this car if you don't stop." I never found an interest in listening to anything dirty about Ally. Mostly because she was such a role model that it kinda made me squeamish.

After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now