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As soon as I got home from work, I passed out on the couch.

So, when the doorbell woke me up almost four hours later, you would understand my frustration of being woken up from one of the longest naps I've been able to take in a while.

"I got it." I groaned to myself, quickly tying my messy hair up in a bun before reaching for the handle. When I opened it to see the figure on the other side, I was almost tempted to slam the door shut.

"Aye Y/N. I didn't expect you to be here." Tandy smirked. He looked nice, dressed up in pants and a sports jersey but it wasn't quite my taste. "Is Dinah Jane here?"

"One sec," Dinah called from behind me and I turned to see what she was doing. She had a similar sports jersey on that I had never seen before, and some pants that went right above her ankles. She was tying on her left converse at the couch. "I just need some comfortable shoes on."

I walked away from the door as Tandy stepped into the frame. "Well, I'll go to the car really quick." He mentioned, "I gotta call my son and check up on him."

I crossed my arms and stood by the TV, just watching Dinah prepare to spend a Friday night with Coach Tandy.

She grabbed her phone from the coffee table and started out the door when she stopped to turn on her heel and walk towards me. Her lips connected with mine for a passionate kiss and left me completely breathless. "I'll be good." She reassured me.

"Curfew is at twelve." I joked.

"Okay Mom." She responded before walking out of the door and slamming it shut behind her.

I was alone and honestly worried.


After stocking up on drinks and food at the concession stand, we took our seats court side.

The court was filled with players doing their last minute practice run throughs.

"This is so cool." I muttered underneath my breath.

"Sure is." Tandy agreed, putting a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

The first buzzer sounded, causing the teams to get into a huddle to discuss their game plan before the game started.


After a lot of rebounds, free throws, passes, and running back and forth, the game ended and the visiting team sadly won.

But I had so much fun.

Tandy and I got so excited and upset during the game. Every time someone would do a stupid foul, we were both tempted to go out there and beat the players asses. It was like we were so in sync as sports fanatics.

Tandy decided we shouldn't end he night there and splurged for some Frozen Yogurt. And who am I to say no to free food?

We sat down across from each other at a table after grabbing our cups of yogurt and began digging in.

"So, how's the new class life treating you?" Tandy asked curiously with that straight smile.

I shrugged and after swallowing down a spoonful of yogurt, I replied. "It's another teaching job."

"Do you think you'll stay?"

"Are you trying to run me
out of town already?"

He laughed a little before scooping another spoonful, "Not at all. I'm just making sure you'll stay here and chill for a little bit before running off to a better job."

After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now