thirty-one: part 2

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After taking our showers and getting ready for Kehlani's concert, we were ready to go. I mean, we wouldn't get to see any opening acts, but I'm sure Dinah really wouldn't mind. She was just so pumped to get a glimpse of Kehlani and sing along to those songs that she knows every word to.

I pulled up to the busy venue to see that there were still people lined up outside to get in. I looked over to Dinah who had her eyes closed. She was taking a deep breath, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was having to prepare herself for. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked her.

Her eyes opened and she looked at me, "I just haven't been to too many concerts."

"That's a lie and you know it. Your Aunt Lani used to take you to concerts all the time when you were younger."

"Yeah, but that doesn't count. I was too young to remember. Then when I started taking college courses in high school, I couldn't go out anywhere to really experience them."

I pulled the key out of the ignition and put my free hand on her thigh and looked into her eyes. "You'll be fine. You want something to drink?"

"Yeah, I'll probably need to down a few of them so I'll actually have some fun."

"Don't down too many because I don't want you to meet Kehlani all drunk-like."

As I was about to get out of the car with my girlfriend, I got a text from Lauren. I flicked the screen to unlock my phone to reply and I heard Dinah groan beside me. "C'mon babe, we gotta get inside."

"Go ahead and get in line. I'll catch up."

She rolled her eyes and got out of the car, extending her long, soft legs out first so that she could step out safely in her heels. "Don't make me wait too long, babe." D stood up and closed the door to start walking towards the end of the long line.

Laur: hallo nugget 🍖

Laur: babycakes!

Laur: I know you're giving your girl birthday brain right now but I have a question. 🙊

Y/N: how inappropriate 😦 but hi sweets. what's your question?

Laur: are the girls and I still coming to Seattle for spring break?

Y/N: I dunno. do you all have plane tickets?

Laur: yes

Y/N: so I guess you answered your own question then

Laur: wow. so sassy. seems like y/n hasn't changed a bit

Y/N: when did you think I had?

Laur: when you were sneaking off and being shady around me but ITS OKAY. I'll see you in a week or two. be ready for some fun.

Y/N: mhm. whatever you say, Laur.


Thirty minutes later, we were inside of the packed venue at the balcony to watch Kehlani. If we wouldn't have gotten these seats, I'm sure it would be a bit of a struggle seeing the stage.

Looking over at my taller girlfriend, I could see the excitement start to take over her when the lights began to flash and the music started to play. Kehlani walked out saying something to the crowd which caused them to erupt in excitement and before I knew it, she was singing her first song. I tried to have as much energy as the older woman next to me, but it seemed as if she was more of a teenager than I was. Three songs later and Dinah had already had two and a half cocktails and she seemed like she was still very energetic. I think it was mostly because she was hoping that Chance the Rapper would suddenly pop up in Kehlani's set, but I even knew that was a long shot for a Seattle show.

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