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For a moment, I thought it was the booze.

It can't be. No, Y/N. Get a grip on reality, please.

But she spoke up again, "Babe, did you hear me?" I still didn't answer her. I knew it was probably just whatever Normani gave me that was making me hallucinate. "How much have you drank?" She asked me once more before walking up to retrieve my cup and look at the liquid. "Fuck. Someone put something in here, Y/N. Did you not notice the fizzing?"

It was like every thing I had practiced wanting to say to her when I saw her again just vanished out of my mind. My jaw was locked and I could help but get so nervous and stunned. I didn't believe that she was really there even though I knew reality was actually taking over.

Dinah grabbed my cheeks and looked into my eyes, "Y/N, talk to me. Are you okay?"

Her touch was so familiar and warm that it made the deepest emotions inside of me start to bubble out in the form of one tear. The tear slowly dropped out of my duct and slide down my cheek.

"Baby, why are you crying?" She asked me softly, wiping the tear.

It's not like I meant to let my guard down all of a sudden. But I came to this party hoping to get over her some how and now being in her presence just makes me want everything back so bad.

"Hey Y/N." A guy said from behind Dinah and I. It was a very familiar voice and I knew that it was something that would only cause trouble at this moment. "I've been looking everywhere for you." Dinah turned her head to see the guy that was walking towards us and her hand tightly gripped against my thigh before she stood up in front of me like my own personal shield. "Oh hey. You're that one teacher. I actually never got the pleasure of having your class last year. Hansen, right?" He smiled, holding out his tattooed hand, but when he realized that she wasn't going to shake, he put it back in his pocket and shrugged. "Oh, well. I'm Zane. Y/N's ex-boyfriend."

"I know who you are." Dinah said, clenching her jaw.

Zane didn't really understand her possessiveness so he didn't take offense to the cold shoulder she was giving him. He just walked over to kneel in front of me with that devilishly handsome smile he had attained since the first day I met him. "Hey, babe. How're you feeling?"

As he reached out to put his hand on my cheek, Dinah yelled out. "Don't touch her."

His head turned and he smiled, "And why not?"

Dinah walked over to pick up the cup she sat down on the steps, "Did you do this to her drink?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He chuckled, turning back to give me his attention. But before he could even start talking to me again, Dinah tipped the cup over his head and poured out the liquid onto him. Since he was face to face with me, I could see the amount of anger start to well up inside of him. He clenched his fist and stood up quickly. "You fucking bitch. Who the hell do you think you are?"

I started to breathe heavily. It was still so hard for me to move or even talk at this point. I just watched as the two started to fight even though my brain started hazing the events in front of me.

"I'm Dinah, Y/N's girlfriend. I want you to leave her alone." Dinah said, obviously not scared of the man that was basically her height.

"Or what?" He challenged her.

"Or you'll fucking deal with me."

He pushed her roughly, but her balance helped her not to fall. As soon as she pushed him back, I felt everything inside of me start to steam. I didn't want either of them to fight. Especially over me. All I could do at this point was scream. So, that's what I did. "STOP IT!" My voice was at louder decibel than usual so it caught both of their attention. "Just leave me alone."

After Hours ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now