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Monday @ 6:08 AM

I was awaken from a very nice dream by a clutter in the side of the bedroom. I opened my eyes to a squint to see Dinah primping her hair at the full length mirror.

"What the hell are you doing up so early, babe? Come back to bed." I patted the empty spot to signal her.

Dinah turned her head to look back at me with a short smile, "I wish I could but I gotta be at school early today."


"I have forty more tests to grade and I'll be done." Dinah messed with a rubber band before putting her hair up in a cute pony tail. "Im still waiting to get a TA."

I didn't get to tell Dinah that over the weekend, the school called me to tell me they did a background check to assure themselves I could sub at the school. Today would be my first day but I wouldn't have to be there until eight o' clock. I still didn't know how to say it, even now. And I know when she sees me at the school, she's going to be pissed.

As I slowly started drifting back to sleep, I felt her lips press against my neck a few times. Her husky voice whispered in my ear, "Have a good day, baby."

"You too, Dinah Jane." I yawned slightly before feeling her peck my lips. "I'll see you later."

Dinah stood up straight and nodded, "Okay, baby. See you later." She strutted out of the bedroom with that extra confidence I love so well, but what she didn't know is that she'll probably see me earlier than expected.


"Woah, this place is huge." I said under my breath, admiring the school that was about four times as big as my alma mater.

I walked into the school in a nice skirt that pressed up against my assets and a cute top with a cardigan over it since it probably wouldn't be considered fully dress code appropriate.

The office was just as big as I imagined it would be with staff members piling in and out.

I padded over to the front desk, "Hi. I'm Ms. Y/L/N. I'm supposed to be subbing for Mr. Fawkes."

"Oh him." The lady with a brunette bun on top of her head glared, "I pray to God you're nicer than that asswipe." She picked up a few folders and snapped her fingers at a tall, skinny, blonde lady with glasses. "Heather, this is the new sub. Will you do me a favor and show her to Fawkes? Principal Conners has me up to my eyes in paper work."

The lady smiled wide and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She couldn't have been older than forty-five. "Of course, Carol. Right this way, Ms...?"

"Y/L/N. But you can call me Y/N." I smiled, trailing behind her until we got into the huge hall of kids scrambling to get to class.

This was perfect. I'm sure there'd be no way that Dinah would see me. This school was way too huge to know everyone.

"So, how long have you been subbing?" The lady asked nicely with a sort of screech in her voice.

"This is the first. I just graduated for myself and I'm looking to start a new life." I told the lady in a proper voice.

She nodded respectively as we turned a few corners to go into a elevator, "Well, this is your first perk. Only authorized students and staff are allowed in the elevator."

We went up to the third floor and started heading down a busy hallway. I didn't pay attention to much around me until I heard my name.

"Y/N?" A distressed voice yelled out through the students.

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