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I followed behind my girlfriend as we sat down at the same table as Coach Tandy.

I'm not going to lie, Coach Tandy is a dream guy but he's not worth the work. He's a big flirt and very good looking but I'm already too deep in love with Y/N. The only reason I'm sticking so close to her is because I know he's going to try and flirt with Y/N and I will do my best to keep her away from fuck boys.

I took a close seat by Y/N and Tandy smiled to my girl. "How's your first day at Seattle's finest?"

She shrugged and leaned back in her seat to keep her cool facade like she always does, "It was pretty good so far but thank God there's only one class left. I needed this break."

"Was my son good? Don't lie." Her furrowed his brows at her but kept that striking smile.

She shook her head, "He was a flirt but I'm guessing he gets that from his father, too."

"Ouch." Tandy laughed, "You're starting to sound like Dinah Jane over there."

I pursed my lips at the man across from me, "Good. Guess you know your flirts don't work with us."

"I could change that." Tandy smirked at me which automatically caused me to roll my eyes out of habit. "So, anyways." Tandy was beginning to change the subject because he realized he was failing miserably. "The track coach and I are planning to go to this bar tonight. Apparently, some of the teachers have a band or something and it's a riot." His attention turned to Y/N when I started giving him a glare. "You think you'll wanna stop by. I mean, you can't be older than twenty but I can sneak you a few drinks."

Just as Y/N was about to reply, I spoke up, "Actually, Y/N and I have plans."

"We do?" She seemed so confused, it was honestly cute but I didn't want her to blow my lie.

I nodded, "Yeah. Movie night. We were talking about it this morning."

"I'm pretty sure that's not what we were talking about." She smirked over at me which made me blush unintentionally.

"Oh," Tandy seemed dissapointed, "Well, rain check?" We nodded respectively as his attention turned to a lady across the room with long legs and wavy hair. "Natalie! Wait up, hunny."

I pulled Y/N's chair close to me as Tandy got out of our sight of vision and raised my brow, "I think I can skip out of grading today. Think you can stop by my class before we head home?"

"I just got tingles hearing you say that." She smirked at me.


The final bell rang and I took refuge in my seat at my desk to blow out a long breath. Today's excitement has had be beat all day. Not to mention the fact that there's two girls in my
last hour that don't know how to shut up. I swear, I get all the delinquents no matter  where I go. Except these kids
aren't funny about it like Y/N, they're just annoying.

Two knocks sounded from the other side of the door. I began rubbing my temples in frustration before a migraine would start. "Come in."

My girlfriend walked in with a smile on her face and one of my bags on her shoulders. "Is that mine?" I asked curiously.

She smiled proudly and flipped her hair, "Looks good on me, huh?"

I nodded, "Yeah it does. But if you get it dirty, I'm beating yo ess."

"I like it when the feisty poly in you comes out." Y/N took a seat on the table of one of the student desks like she used to last year. "It gets me hot."

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