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Dear Bully,

I had walked up to my locker as any student would do but, this time I knew which locker was mine for sure because of the brightly coloured stick-it notes all over it. 

It was all your doing Xavier but, the question was still and always why? I remember hearing chuckles from near the end of the hallway and I saw you and your group of friends staring at me, vicious grins on all of your faces. Did you have fun watching me rip all the notes off and throwing them in the bin? It was a part of my daily routine now as you very well know. 

How could you enjoy being so cruel to another human being? 

Believe me or not, today was the first time people put their hands on me. Besides you and your group, the rest of the students just looked at me. But this time, they touched me and not nicely. Some were shoving me, others were trying to trip me. 

A girl even hugged me. 

At first, I thought it was a kind gesture but quickly I realised it was out of the blue.

Even then, I didn't think much of it. Not even when you high fived your friend in great big laughter after I walked past. Serena was sweet enough to show me. I had a big sticky note at my back that read 'Fuck me, I'm a desperate slut'

She tried to apologise and comfort me but, at that point I didn't know what to do or think. I still don't Xavier. Yes, I was deeply hurt by that note but did you do anything about it? No.

You started this Xavier. You did this. 

Please stop. You're the only one who has that power. 

Love, Anjana

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