S1E3: All We Do Pt.2

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S1E3: All We Do Pt. 2

"Do you want to? Like I want to..."

-XScape 'Do U Want To'

"Fuck! I have to get home and shower off this alcohol," Bay tripped over her feet as she tried to collect her purse and jacket. I rolled my eyes. "Why you in such a rush, Bayleigh?"

"I'm taking Donna and Opie's kids to Fun Town. Though they might need a little break. They're expecting me in an hour or two."

"Oh. Okay. Fun Town?", I remember that place I think.

The night was filled with excitement as all of my friends and I hopped around from booth to booth winning prizes. Finally I decided I was going to get over my fear of riding the Ferris Wheel.

"I see I found the real party over here," I heard a familiar voice as I reached my tickets to the ride attendant.

Jax Teller wearing his cut and with a huge grin on his face approached me after shaking off Ima and Lyla. They sneered at me but kept walking.

"What you want, Teller? Just cause we're friends doesn't mean-"

"Is that all we are?"

I pushed him, hard.

He was playing with my emotions and I really genuinely thought he would be the person to be straight with me.

"Leave me alone, Jackson," I gritted as I was helped up into a seat. Jax pushed back the next person and handed his own tickets to the attendant. "She's mine," The blonde boy said as he snuggled in beside me.

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