S1E4: Wives, Exes, and Babies Oh My! Pt. 2

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India Love ---->

S1E4: Wives, Exes, Babies Oh My! Pt. 2

" When you see my face.... Hope it gives you Hell! Hope it gives you Hell!"

- All-American Rejects 'Gives You Hell'


Alex actually made a great impressions with my parents as we all sat down to dinner. I wanted to stay with Jax and Abel but my mom called to tell me that she needed me at home for a welcome dinner for my guests that I invited.

"So Alex... How do you know my gorgeous daughter?", My Dad got really defensive about his daughters so he wasn't taking it easy on Alex even if he appeared like the sweetest person on the Earth. And his accent was so thick that I had to shake my head a little for him to take his grilling down a notch.

"I met her in college. She was a freshman wearing these big square glasses that always slipped down her nose," Alex's face lit up as he got the opportunity to embarass me. Blue held up his spoonful of lasagna and distracted me from what his Dad was saying as it dropped down the front of his shirt. "I'm going to go clean up, Blue. Behave yourselves....", I sounded like my Mom a little as I scooped up Blue and gave his Dad a look.

They continued to listen as I took Blue upstairs to clean the sauce off his shirt.

"Alex seems like a really nice gentleman. So... You tapped that? Or has he tapped it?", Mickey came in and smacked me on the butt as I wiped Blue's shirt and hands clean. His curly hair fell into his light brown eyes. I ignored her and brushed back the amazing little curls. "Tell me you got some action while away. Or were you boring?"

I pointed to the child in the room but my defense was so weak that we both started laughing.

"I'm going to ask him then. In front of Mom and Dad...."


"Mickey, what are you up to?", My mom came in and took Blue out of my arms as I glared at my sister. "Stasi only calls you by your full first name when you make her upset or shock her. Which one?", Mickey gave me a sideways look but I continued to stare her down. She shook her head and extended her arms for the adorable little kid fussing over nothing.

"He's fine with me. Go stop your Dad from embarrassing you both. He's telling the-"

"Michael wouldn't!", Mickey and I both placed a hand over our hearts in disbelief.

We were talking about when we were little and our Dad forced us to take dance class.

"-And then she kicked the girl in front of her so hard the poor lass fell off stage!", Michael, our dad, chuckled as he relayed the story that I dreaded ever since it happened. I had been six and it was my first recital.

"How is that possible? She's so graceful now," Alex questioned in real shock about my kicking someone as a clumsy little school girl. "She taught me how to dance actually."

Mickey walked in first and sat down trying to get my dad's attention as I gestured for him to get up and follow me out back. She succeeded by scolding him for telling him the story even though he had yet to show him the whole thing since he taped it. I gave her a thumbs up when Alex was out the back door and she still hadn't relented making my dad look guilty.

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