Princess of Magadh

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Ripples, lotuses and petals floated on top of the tepid water in the open pool in a part of the palace; it was a beautiful place.

Pillars encircled the rectangular pool with steps leading into the light blue water.

It was almost heaven.

All the women of the house were gathered round me and they sat me on a step in the water.

The first ceremony was to wash my feet and make me clean with milk and water for the next ritual.

Gosh, how much precision!

Rani Dharma had her plate full off many lamps and as milk and water cooled my feet, I straightened them till they reached under the water.

Everyone applied vermillion to my forehead and threw rice grains on my hair. This was a traditional ritual in India.

Flowers were decorated around my long plait that reached my back. Petals rested in my fluffy hair, surrounding the beautiful bindi that had been aligned in the middle.

"Look how she's blushing!" Rani Charumitra said, suddenly appearing out of one of the many arches alongside the pool

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"Look how she's blushing!" Rani Charumitra said, suddenly appearing out of one of the many arches alongside the pool.

I had always found her slightly intimidating, I mean - the eyeliner almost gets sucked into her eyes and her sweet words send a shiver down my spine, almost as if - as if they're fake.

Ashok had always told me that Sushim and his mother had planned to destroy his chances of become heir to the throne, but by looking at this sweet woman who was now stroking my cheek, it was hard to believe.

Kaurvaki - you must stay alert.

Rani Dharma smiled as Maharani Charumitra swept past her to face me. She bent down and placed a gold bracelet in my palms.

"Maharani, what is all th......"

"Shh, you're my daughter-in law, it is my right to give you anything I want and you must promise me you'll obey me,"

The sharp sweetness in her tone left me with no other option but to agree with her.

I nodded my head side to side slowly.

She laughed exaggeratively again and left me, giving Rani Dharma a dirty look.

Rani Dharma smiled uncomfortably at this and I saw as she sighed but continued the ceremony happily.

Poor Rani Dharma, Maharani Charumitra really did have something against him.

"Err, Kaurvaki, please put this ornament on, as a token of thanks from me." She offered.

I smiled at the small chain she gave me.

"Rani maa, it's beautiful, but - thanks for what?"

"I knew you would like it,"

"Raani maa....."

"Kaurvaki, the way you supported my son in Takshashila, the bravery and courage you showed, the sacrifices you made to be with him - this is not an ordinary task for anyone. I know that you will always keep my son happy."

With this she kissed my forehead and left the maids clearing up.

"Maids, please help Rajkumari to deck up for the following ceremony."

Great - another heavy sari ritual - but at least this time it was with Ashok!

I proceeded to my room with the maids holding the trailing parts of my Saari.

The beautiful red and gold Lehenga awaited to be worn by me in a few minutes...

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