Darkness in the palace

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I could not even swallow a morsel peacefully. Rani Dharma saw me pick up a morsel and linger it around my mouth, with my gaze fixed somewhere else.

"Kaurvaki, please take it easy."

"Rani ma, how am I supposed to take it easy when I've heard the truth myself?"

"Trust Samrat, everything will be fine."

Suddenly, a maid ran with tears in her eyes.

"Samrat! A cook has been murdered!"

We all got up and I couldn't feel my feet.

"GUARDS! SURROUND ALL PALACE ENTRANCES AND REPORT FROM THE FORT IF YOU SEE ANY NEWS." Samrat ordered servants and they ran across the place, gathering equipment and Dhrupad started crying.

"Father, I will go and check the side entrances and courtyard, Bhraata Sushim, you go and check the main entrance." Ashok pointed across to the doors and he left hurriedly while Sushim just stood there with his hands behind his back. He perambulated slowly but proudly across to the entrance.

I walked over to Dhrupad and kneeled down on my knees so I looked up to him.

"Dhrupad, look - you have such protective guards and very strong brothers right? No need to be scared!"

I didn't sound too convincing myself.

"Kaurvaki didi, we will be safe right?"

"Yes. Just stay with me or one of us." I closed my eyes and assured him.

I held his hand in my fingers and the women of the family went to the royal court where we were safe.

"Siyamak, come with m....." I began, but Siyamak walked off, ignoring us.

I watched him go with forlorn eyes; ever since I had come to this palace he didn't talk to me.

I decided to go over to the courtyard and check if it was safe.

"Maharani, take care of Dhrupad. I'll come back."

"Where are you going Kaurvaki?" She asked me hesitantly.

"I'll be right back..." I denied on telling her; I ran off, grabbing the sword I laid on the floor earlier and hid behind the same pillars.

Being night, it was hard to see and sense, which was good because I could camouflage in my black blanket.

I took a scarf and wrapped it around my face so that only my sharp eyes covered in streaks of eyeliner were visible.

My hands did a small exercise with the sword as I had done in my childhood when I practiced sword fighting.

I laid out my anklet to avoid the tinkle echoing around the open space, and as a clue for anyone who was searching for me regarding my safety.

"Right..." I quickly undid some ropes tied on the pillars and thrust them over my shoulders.

I didn't know if this was going to work, but maybe it just might.

I lassoed the rope over onto a pole on a balcony which belonged to an unknown bedroom, so I could get a view of the murderer if they ran past, from above.

With my heart in my mouth, I used the rope to pull me up while my feet slid me up the palace walls. I climbed and climbed, heaving and pulling until my hands started burning due to the rough rope.

Ashwaki: waiting for AshokWhere stories live. Discover now