The ring on the wrong finger

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As the morning chores were done and hasty preparations for this unplanned engagement were made, I settled myself down on the dressing table seat in front of the mirror.

I was happy that Ahankara would be a part of our family, but it was regretful that she would be marrying someone she didn't want to.

I knew this feeling; all those glares I gave Prince Dhiraj when he was engaged to me.... alright let's not go there.

"Kaurvaki......" Ashok came through the door with royal robes in and stopped short when he saw my languid eyelashes fluttering at him in the mirror.

He seemed mesmerized; resting a gentle hand on my shoulder as I got up slowly.

My eyes gleamed at the glisten in his eyes which sparked a light in mine.

My long brown locks winded down my face and air from the window swooped into our room, flooded with sunshine and blew through my strands.

Ashok ran a hand through my hair which made pleasure flow through my veins and I closed my eyes with a smile.

I felt his hands coming down the sides of my arms and I went closer... and closer...... and - closer.

I rested my head on his shoulder diagonally, feeling the bare coldness of his shoulder caressing my cheek.

A tear slipped down my cheek from my closed eyes.

Ashok stiffened up by the salty touch of it.

He pulled back and wiped it away slowly.

His questioning, worried look seemed to ask: "what's the matter?"

"We couldn't help Ahankara." I said shakily.

He smiled gently at my compassionateness.

"We will."

I didn't seem convinced.

"Let's go to the altar. We don't want to be late."

We headed to the altar room, with an anxious feeling, well - at least I did.

As we entered through the corner, beautiful garlands of flowers were hung around the altar and platters full of flowers placed around a ring  were resting against the different types of wrapped goods.

The atmosphere felt so complete and family-type.

The most attractive thing was however, the person sat right in the center, surrounded by dancers and courtesans all celebrating in joy of the ceremony.

Ahankara was wearing a beautiful, simple lehenga topped with heavy jewelry that glistened in the natural Sunlight, however she wasn't wearing the most beautiful ornament of all; her smile.

A hopeless, distraught expression was drawn up on her face and her dry thin lips pursed up between each other.

I went over and talked to her for a while, whereas Ashok joined in helping Sushim.

"You're looking keen today, Ashok?" Sushim taunted.

"It's my best friend's wedding you see, Rajkumar Sushim."

Sushim scowled.

"Nowadays there's jealousy all around isn't there?"

"Hmm, yeah - especially in love interests." Ashok grinned.

Sushim put on a cold, sarcastic smile at this conversation.

Ashwaki: waiting for AshokWhere stories live. Discover now